A B C D E F G I K L M N O P R S T U W Z misc
SpaDES.core-package | Categorized overview of the 'SpaDES.core' package |
all.equal.simList | All equal method for 'simList' objects |
anyPlotting | Test whether there should be any plotting from '.plots' module parameter |
append_attr | Append attributes |
append_attr-method | Append attributes |
bindrows | Simple wrapper around 'data.table::rbindlist' |
Cache | '.robustDigest' for 'simList' objects |
cachePath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
cachePath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
cachePath<- | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
cachePath<--method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
checkModule | Check for the existence of a remote module |
checkModule-method | Check for the existence of a remote module |
checkModuleLocal | Check for the existence of a module locally |
checkModuleLocal-method | Check for the existence of a module locally |
checkObject | Check for existence of object(s) referenced by a 'objects' slot of a 'simList' object |
checkObject-method | Check for existence of object(s) referenced by a 'objects' slot of a 'simList' object |
checkParams | Check use and existence of parameters passed to simulation. |
checkParams-method | Check use and existence of parameters passed to simulation. |
checkpointFile | Simulation checkpoints |
checkpointFile-method | Simulation checkpoints |
checkpointFile<- | Simulation checkpoints |
checkpointFile<--method | Simulation checkpoints |
checkpointInterval | Simulation checkpoints |
checkpointInterval-method | Simulation checkpoints |
checkpointInterval<- | Simulation checkpoints |
checkpointInterval<--method | Simulation checkpoints |
checkpointLoad | Simulation checkpoints |
checksums | Calculate checksum for a module's data files |
checkTimeunit | Convert time units |
checkTimeunit-method | Convert time units |
citation | A citation method for 'SpaDES' modules |
citation-method | A citation method for 'SpaDES' modules |
classFilter | Filter objects by class |
classFilter-method | Filter objects by class |
clearCache-method | 'clearCache' for 'simList' objects |
completed | Simulation event lists |
completed-method | Simulation event lists |
completed<- | Simulation event lists |
completed<--method | Simulation event lists |
conditionalEvents | Simulation event lists |
conditionalEvents-method | Simulation event lists |
convertTimeunit | Convert time units |
convertToPackage | Convert standard module code into an R package |
Copy-method | Copy for 'simList' class objects |
copyModule | Create a copy of an existing module |
copyModule-method | Create a copy of an existing module |
createsOutput | Define an output object of a module |
createsOutput-method | Define an output object of a module |
current | Simulation event lists |
current-method | Simulation event lists |
current<- | Simulation event lists |
current<--method | Simulation event lists |
dataPath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
dataPath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
dday | SpaDES time units |
defineEvent | Alternative way to define events in SpaDES.core |
defineModule | Define a new module. |
defineModule-method | Define a new module. |
defineParameter | Define a parameter used in a module |
depends | Simulation modules and dependencies |
depends-method | Simulation modules and dependencies |
depends<- | Simulation modules and dependencies |
depends<--method | Simulation modules and dependencies |
depsEdgeList | Build edge list for module dependency graph |
depsEdgeList-method | Build edge list for module dependency graph |
depsGraph | Build a module dependency graph |
depsGraph-method | Build a module dependency graph |
dhour | SpaDES time units |
dmin | SpaDES time units |
dmonth | SpaDES time units |
dmonths | SpaDES time units |
dmonths-method | SpaDES time units |
dNA | SpaDES time units |
dNA-method | SpaDES time units |
documentation | Metadata accessors |
documentation-method | Metadata accessors |
doEvent.checkpoint | Simulation checkpoints |
downloadData | Download module data |
downloadData-method | Download module data |
downloadModule | Download a module from a SpaDES module GitHub repository |
downloadModule-method | Download a module from a SpaDES module GitHub repository |
dsecond | SpaDES time units |
dweek | SpaDES time units |
dweeks | SpaDES time units |
dweeks-method | SpaDES time units |
dyear | SpaDES time units |
dyears | SpaDES time units |
dyears-method | SpaDES time units |
elapsedTime | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
elapsedTime.simList | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
end | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
end.simList | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
end<- | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
end<--method | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
envir | Simulation environment |
envir-method | Simulation environment |
envir<- | Simulation environment |
envir<--method | Simulation environment |
eventDiagram | Simulation event diagram |
eventDiagram-method | Simulation event diagram |
events | Simulation event lists |
events-method | Simulation event lists |
events<- | Simulation event lists |
events<--method | Simulation event lists |
expectsInput | Define an input object that the module expects. |
expectsInput-method | Define an input object that the module expects. |
experiment | Zip a 'simList' and various files |
experiment2 | Zip a 'simList' and various files |
extractURL | Extract a url from module metadata |
extractURL-method | Extract a url from module metadata |
figurePath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
figurePath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
fileName | Extract filename (without extension) of a file |
findObjects | Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment |
G | Get and set global simulation parameters |
G-method | Get and set global simulation parameters |
G<- | Get and set global simulation parameters |
G<--method | Get and set global simulation parameters |
getMapPath | Get copies of sample files for examples and tests |
getModuleVersion | Find the latest module version from a SpaDES module repository |
getModuleVersion-method | Find the latest module version from a SpaDES module repository |
getSampleModules | Get copies of sample files for examples and tests |
globals | Get and set global simulation parameters |
globals-method | Get and set global simulation parameters |
globals<- | Get and set global simulation parameters |
globals<--method | Get and set global simulation parameters |
initialize-method | Generate a 'simList' object |
inputArgs | Simulation inputs |
inputArgs-method | Simulation inputs |
inputArgs<- | Simulation inputs |
inputArgs<--method | Simulation inputs |
inputObjects | Metadata accessors |
inputObjects-method | Metadata accessors |
inputPath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
inputPath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
inputPath<- | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
inputPath<--method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
inputs | Simulation inputs |
inputs-method | Simulation inputs |
inputs<- | Simulation inputs |
inputs<--method | Simulation inputs |
inSeconds | Convert time units |
keepCache-method | 'clearCache' for 'simList' objects |
loadFiles | File extensions map |
loadFiles-method | File extensions map |
loadPackages | Zip a 'simList' and various files |
loadSimList | Load a saved 'simList' and ancillary files |
logPath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
logPath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
makeMemoisable.simList | Make 'simList' correctly work with 'memoise' |
maxTimeunit | Determine the largest timestep unit in a simulation |
maxTimeunit-method | Determine the largest timestep unit in a simulation |
memoryUse | Estimate memory used with 'system("ps")' |
memoryUseThisSession | Estimate memory used with 'system("ps")' |
minTimeunit | Determine the smallest timeunit in a simulation |
minTimeunit-method | Determine the smallest timeunit in a simulation |
moduleCodeFiles | Extract the full file paths for R source code |
moduleCoverage | Calculate module coverage of unit tests |
moduleDefaults | Defaults values used in 'defineModule' |
moduleDiagram | Simulation module dependency diagram |
moduleDiagram-method | Simulation module dependency diagram |
moduleGraph | Build a module dependency graph |
moduleGraph-method | Build a module dependency graph |
moduleInputs | Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs |
moduleInputs-method | Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs |
moduleMetadata | Parse and extract module metadata |
moduleMetadata-method | Parse and extract module metadata |
moduleObjects | Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment |
moduleOutputs | Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs |
moduleOutputs-method | Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs |
moduleParams | Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs |
moduleParams-method | Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs |
modulePath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
modulePath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
modulePath<- | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
modulePath<--method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
modules | Simulation modules and dependencies |
modules-method | Simulation modules and dependencies |
modules<- | Simulation modules and dependencies |
modules<--method | Simulation modules and dependencies |
moduleVersion | Parse and extract a module's version |
moduleVersion-method | Parse and extract a module's version |
newModule | Create new module from template |
newModule-method | Create new module from template |
newModuleCode | Create new module code file |
newModuleCode-method | Create new module code file |
newModuleDocumentation | Create new module documentation |
newModuleDocumentation-method | Create new module documentation |
newModuleTests | Create template testing structures for new modules |
newModuleTests-method | Create template testing structures for new modules |
newObjectsCreated | Show which objects were first created in a 'simInit' or 'spades' call |
newProgressBar | Progress bar |
newProject | Create new SpaDES project |
newProject-method | Create new SpaDES project |
newProjectCode | Create new module code file |
newProjectCode-method | Create new module code file |
noEventWarning | Text for no event with that name |
objectDiagram | Simulation object dependency diagram |
objectDiagram-method | Simulation object dependency diagram |
objectsCreated | Show which objects were first created in a 'simInit' or 'spades' call |
objectSynonyms | Identify synonyms in a 'simList' |
objs | Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment |
objs-method | Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment |
objs<- | Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment |
objs<--method | Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment |
objSize.simList | Object size for 'simList' |
openModules | Open all modules nested within a base directory |
openModules-method | Open all modules nested within a base directory |
outputArgs | Simulation outputs |
outputArgs-method | Simulation outputs |
outputArgs<- | Simulation outputs |
outputArgs<--method | Simulation outputs |
outputObjectNames | Metadata accessors |
outputObjectNames-method | Metadata accessors |
outputObjects | Metadata accessors |
outputObjects-method | Metadata accessors |
outputPath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
outputPath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
outputPath<- | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
outputPath<--method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
outputs | Simulation outputs |
outputs-method | Simulation outputs |
outputs<- | Simulation outputs |
outputs<--method | Simulation outputs |
P | Get and set simulation parameters |
P<- | Get and set simulation parameters |
packages | Get module or simulation package dependencies |
packages-method | Get module or simulation package dependencies |
paramCheckOtherMods | Test and update a parameter against same parameter in other modules |
parameters | Get and set simulation parameters |
parameters-method | Get and set simulation parameters |
params | Get and set simulation parameters |
params-method | Get and set simulation parameters |
params<- | Get and set simulation parameters |
params<--method | Get and set simulation parameters |
paths | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
paths-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
paths<- | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
paths<--method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
Plot-method | Plot method for 'simList' objects |
Plots | 'Plot' wrapper intended for use in a SpaDES module |
POM | Zip a 'simList' and various files |
priority | Event priority |
progressInterval | Get and set simulation progress bar details |
progressInterval-method | Get and set simulation progress bar details |
progressInterval<- | Get and set simulation progress bar details |
progressInterval<--method | Get and set simulation progress bar details |
progressType | Get and set simulation progress bar details |
progressType-method | Get and set simulation progress bar details |
progressType<- | Get and set simulation progress bar details |
progressType<--method | Get and set simulation progress bar details |
rasterCreate | Simple wrapper to load any Raster* object |
rasterCreate.default | Simple wrapper to load any Raster* object |
rasterPath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
rasterPath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
rasterPath<- | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
rasterPath<--method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
rasterToMemory | Read raster to memory |
rasterToMemory-method | Read raster to memory |
registerOutputs | Simulation outputs |
remoteFileSize | Determine the size of a remotely hosted file |
reqdPkgs | Metadata accessors |
reqdPkgs-method | Metadata accessors |
restartR | Restart R programmatically |
restartSpades | Restart an interrupted simulation |
rndstr | Generate random strings |
rndstr-method | Generate random strings |
simList-accessors-packages | Get module or simulation package dependencies |
savedSimEnv | Retrieve environment for saving interrupted simulations |
saveFiles | Save objects using '.saveObjects' in 'params' slot of 'simInit' |
saveSim | Save a whole 'simList' object to disk |
saveSimList | Save a whole 'simList' object to disk |
scheduleConditionalEvent | Schedule a conditional simulation event |
scheduleEvent | Schedule a simulation event |
scratchPath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
scratchPath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
scratchPath<- | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
scratchPath<--method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
sessInfo | Metadata accessors |
sessInfo-method | Metadata accessors |
setProgressBar | Progress bar |
show-method | Show an Object |
showCache-method | 'clearCache' for 'simList' objects |
simFile | Generate simulation file name |
simInit | Initialize a new simulation |
simInit-method | Initialize a new simulation |
simInitAndExperiment | Zip a 'simList' and various files |
simInitAndSpades | Call 'simInit' and 'spades' together |
simInitDefaults | Initialize a new simulation |
simList | The 'simList' class |
simList-accessors-envir | Simulation environment |
simList-accessors-events | Simulation event lists |
simList-accessors-inout | Simulation inputs |
simList-accessors-metadata | Metadata accessors |
simList-accessors-modules | Simulation modules and dependencies |
simList-accessors-objects | Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment |
simList-accessors-params | Get and set simulation parameters |
simList-accessors-paths | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
simList-accessors-times | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
simList-class | The 'simList' class |
simList_ | The 'simList' class |
simList_-class | The 'simList' class |
spades | Run a spatial discrete event simulation |
spades-method | Run a spatial discrete event simulation |
SpaDES.core | Categorized overview of the 'SpaDES.core' package |
spadesClasses | Classes defined in SpaDES |
spadesOptions | 'SpaDES.core' options |
spadesTimes | Convert time units |
start | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
start.simList | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
start<- | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
start<--method | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
suppliedElsewhere | Assess whether an object has or will be supplied from elsewhere |
terraPath | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
terraPath-method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
terraPath<- | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
terraPath<--method | Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters |
time.simList | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
time<- | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
time<--method | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
times | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
times-method | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
times<- | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
times<--method | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
timeunit | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
timeunit-method | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
timeunit<- | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
timeunit<--method | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
timeunits | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
timeunits-method | Time usage in 'SpaDES' |
unmakeMemoisable.simList_ | Make 'simList' correctly work with 'memoise' |
unzipSimList | Load a saved 'simList' and ancillary files |
updateList | Update elements of a named list with elements of a second named list |
use_gha | Use GitHub actions for automated module checking |
writeEventInfo | Write simulation event info to file |
writeRNGInfo | Write RNG state info to file |
zipModule | Create a zip archive of a module subdirectory |
zipModule-method | Create a zip archive of a module subdirectory |
zipSimList | Zip a 'simList' and various files |
.addChangedAttr-method | '.addChangedAttr' for 'simList' objects |
.addTagsToOutput-method | '.addTagsToOutput' for 'simList' objects |
.cacheMessage-method | '.cacheMessage' for 'simList' objects |
.checkCacheRepo-method | '.checkCacheRepo' for 'simList' objects |
.checkpointSave | Simulation checkpoints |
.fileExtensions | File extensions map |
.findSimList | Find 'simList' in a nested list |
.first | Event priority |
.guessPkgFun | Guess package of a function |
.highest | Event priority |
.last | Event priority |
.lowest | Event priority |
.normal | Event priority |
.parseElems-method | '.parseElems' for 'simList' class objects |
.preDigestByClass-method | Pre-digesting method for 'simList' |
.prepareOutput-method | '.prepareOutput' for 'simList' objects |
.quickCheck | The 'SpaDES.core' variable to switch between quick and robust checking |
.rndstr | Generate random strings |
.robustDigest-method | '.robustDigest' for 'simList' objects |
.saveFileExtensions | File extensions map |
.spadesTimes | Convert time units |
.tagsByClass-method | '.tagsByClass' for 'simList' objects |
.unwrap.simList | Methods for '.wrap' and '.unwrap' |
.wrap.simList | Methods for '.wrap' and '.unwrap' |
[-method | Extract an intact 'simList' but with subset of objects |