Core Utilities for Developing and Running Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Models

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Documentation for package ‘SpaDES.core’ version 2.0.5

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A B C D E F G I K L M N O P R S T U W Z misc

SpaDES.core-package Categorized overview of the 'SpaDES.core' package

-- A --

all.equal.simList All equal method for 'simList' objects
anyPlotting Test whether there should be any plotting from '.plots' module parameter
append_attr Add a module to a 'moduleList'
append_attr-method Add a module to a 'moduleList'

-- B --

bindrows Simple wrapper around 'data.table::rbindlist'

-- C --

Cache '.robustDigest' for 'simList' objects
cachePath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
cachePath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
cachePath<- Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
cachePath<--method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
checkModule Check for the existence of a remote module
checkModule-method Check for the existence of a remote module
checkModuleLocal Check for the existence of a module locally
checkModuleLocal-method Check for the existence of a module locally
checkObject Check for existence of object(s) referenced by a 'objects' slot of a 'simList' object
checkObject-method Check for existence of object(s) referenced by a 'objects' slot of a 'simList' object
checkParams Check use and existence of parameters passed to simulation.
checkParams-method Check use and existence of parameters passed to simulation.
checkpointFile Simulation checkpoints.
checkpointFile-method Simulation checkpoints.
checkpointFile<- Simulation checkpoints.
checkpointFile<--method Simulation checkpoints.
checkpointInterval Simulation checkpoints.
checkpointInterval-method Simulation checkpoints.
checkpointInterval<- Simulation checkpoints.
checkpointInterval<--method Simulation checkpoints.
checkpointLoad Simulation checkpoints.
checksums Calculate checksum for a module's data files
checkTimeunit Convert time units
checkTimeunit-method Convert time units
citation A citation method for 'SpaDES' modules
citation-method A citation method for 'SpaDES' modules
classFilter Filter objects by class
classFilter-method Filter objects by class
clearCache-method 'clearCache' for 'simList' objects
completed Simulation event lists
completed-method Simulation event lists
completed<- Simulation event lists
completed<--method Simulation event lists
conditionalEvents Simulation event lists
conditionalEvents-method Simulation event lists
convertTimeunit Convert time units
convertToPackage Convert standard module code into an R package
Copy-method Copy for 'simList' class objects
copyModule Create a copy of an existing module
copyModule-method Create a copy of an existing module
createsOutput Define an output object of a module
createsOutput-method Define an output object of a module
current Simulation event lists
current-method Simulation event lists
current<- Simulation event lists
current<--method Simulation event lists

-- D --

dataPath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
dataPath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
dday SpaDES time units
defineEvent Alternative way to define events in SpaDES.core
defineModule Define a new module.
defineModule-method Define a new module.
defineParameter Define a parameter used in a module
depends Simulation modules and dependencies
depends-method Simulation modules and dependencies
depends<- Simulation modules and dependencies
depends<--method Simulation modules and dependencies
depsEdgeList Build edge list for module dependency graph
depsEdgeList-method Build edge list for module dependency graph
depsGraph Build a module dependency graph
depsGraph-method Build a module dependency graph
dhour SpaDES time units
dmin SpaDES time units
dmonth SpaDES time units
dmonths SpaDES time units
dmonths-method SpaDES time units
dNA SpaDES time units
dNA-method SpaDES time units
documentation Metadata accessors
documentation-method Metadata accessors
doEvent.checkpoint Simulation checkpoints.
downloadData Download module data
downloadData-method Download module data
downloadModule Download a module from a SpaDES module GitHub repository
downloadModule-method Download a module from a SpaDES module GitHub repository
dsecond SpaDES time units
dweek SpaDES time units
dweeks SpaDES time units
dweeks-method SpaDES time units
dyear SpaDES time units
dyears SpaDES time units
dyears-method SpaDES time units

-- E --

elapsedTime Time usage in 'SpaDES'
elapsedTime.simList Time usage in 'SpaDES'
end Time usage in 'SpaDES'
end.simList Time usage in 'SpaDES'
end<- Time usage in 'SpaDES'
end<--method Time usage in 'SpaDES'
envir Simulation environment
envir-method Simulation environment
envir<- Simulation environment
envir<--method Simulation environment
eventDiagram Simulation event diagram
eventDiagram-method Simulation event diagram
events Simulation event lists
events-method Simulation event lists
events<- Simulation event lists
events<--method Simulation event lists
expectsInput Define an input object that the module expects.
expectsInput-method Define an input object that the module expects.
experiment Zip a 'simList' and various files
experiment2 Zip a 'simList' and various files
extractURL Extract a url from module metadata
extractURL-method Extract a url from module metadata

-- F --

figurePath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
figurePath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
fileName Extract filename (without extension) of a file
findObjects Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment

-- G --

G Get and set global simulation parameters
G-method Get and set global simulation parameters
G<- Get and set global simulation parameters
G<--method Get and set global simulation parameters
getMapPath Get copies of sample files for examples and tests
getModuleVersion Find the latest module version from a SpaDES module repository
getModuleVersion-method Find the latest module version from a SpaDES module repository
getSampleModules Get copies of sample files for examples and tests
globals Get and set global simulation parameters
globals-method Get and set global simulation parameters
globals<- Get and set global simulation parameters
globals<--method Get and set global simulation parameters

-- I --

initialize-method Generate a 'simList' object
inputArgs Simulation inputs
inputArgs-method Simulation inputs
inputArgs<- Simulation inputs
inputArgs<--method Simulation inputs
inputObjects Metadata accessors
inputObjects-method Metadata accessors
inputPath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
inputPath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
inputPath<- Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
inputPath<--method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
inputs Simulation inputs
inputs-method Simulation inputs
inputs<- Simulation inputs
inputs<--method Simulation inputs
inSeconds Convert time units

-- K --

keepCache-method 'clearCache' for 'simList' objects

-- L --

loadFiles File extensions map
loadFiles-method File extensions map
loadPackages Zip a 'simList' and various files
loadSimList Load a saved 'simList' and ancillary files
logPath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
logPath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters

-- M --

makeMemoisable.simList Make 'simList' correctly work with 'memoise'
maxTimeunit Determine the largest timestep unit in a simulation
maxTimeunit-method Determine the largest timestep unit in a simulation
memoryUse Estimate memory used with 'system("ps")'
memoryUseThisSession Estimate memory used with 'system("ps")'
minTimeunit Determine the smallest timeunit in a simulation
minTimeunit-method Determine the smallest timeunit in a simulation
moduleCodeFiles Extract the full file paths for R source code
moduleCoverage Calculate module coverage of unit tests
moduleDefaults Defaults values used in 'defineModule'
moduleDiagram Simulation module dependency diagram
moduleDiagram-method Simulation module dependency diagram
moduleGraph Build a module dependency graph
moduleGraph-method Build a module dependency graph
moduleInputs Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs
moduleInputs-method Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs
moduleMetadata Parse and extract module metadata
moduleMetadata-method Parse and extract module metadata
moduleObjects Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment
moduleOutputs Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs
moduleOutputs-method Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs
moduleParams Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs
moduleParams-method Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs
modulePath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
modulePath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
modulePath<- Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
modulePath<--method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
modules Simulation modules and dependencies
modules-method Simulation modules and dependencies
modules<- Simulation modules and dependencies
modules<--method Simulation modules and dependencies
moduleVersion Parse and extract a module's version
moduleVersion-method Parse and extract a module's version

-- N --

newModule Create new module from template
newModule-method Create new module from template
newModuleCode Create new module code file
newModuleCode-method Create new module code file
newModuleDocumentation Create new module documentation
newModuleDocumentation-method Create new module documentation
newModuleTests Create template testing structures for new modules
newModuleTests-method Create template testing structures for new modules
newProgressBar Progress bar
newProject Create new SpaDES project
newProject-method Create new SpaDES project
newProjectCode Create new module code file
newProjectCode-method Create new module code file

-- O --

objectDiagram Simulation object dependency diagram
objectDiagram-method Simulation object dependency diagram
objectSynonyms Identify synonyms in a 'simList'
objs Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment
objs-method Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment
objs<- Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment
objs<--method Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment
objSize.simList Object size for 'simList'
openModules Open all modules nested within a base directory
openModules-method Open all modules nested within a base directory
outputArgs Simulation outputs
outputArgs-method Simulation outputs
outputArgs<- Simulation outputs
outputArgs<--method Simulation outputs
outputObjectNames Metadata accessors
outputObjectNames-method Metadata accessors
outputObjects Metadata accessors
outputObjects-method Metadata accessors
outputPath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
outputPath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
outputPath<- Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
outputPath<--method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
outputs Simulation outputs
outputs-method Simulation outputs
outputs<- Simulation outputs
outputs<--method Simulation outputs

-- P --

P Get and set simulation parameters
P<- Get and set simulation parameters
packages Get module or simulation package dependencies
packages-method Get module or simulation package dependencies
paramCheckOtherMods Test and update a parameter against same parameter in other modules
parameters Get and set simulation parameters
parameters-method Get and set simulation parameters
params Get and set simulation parameters
params-method Get and set simulation parameters
params<- Get and set simulation parameters
params<--method Get and set simulation parameters
paths Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
paths-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
paths<- Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
paths<--method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
Plot-method Plot method for 'simList' objects
Plots 'Plot' wrapper intended for use in a SpaDES module
POM Zip a 'simList' and various files
priority Event priority
progressInterval Get and set simulation progress bar details
progressInterval-method Get and set simulation progress bar details
progressInterval<- Get and set simulation progress bar details
progressInterval<--method Get and set simulation progress bar details
progressType Get and set simulation progress bar details
progressType-method Get and set simulation progress bar details
progressType<- Get and set simulation progress bar details
progressType<--method Get and set simulation progress bar details

-- R --

rasterCreate Simple wrapper to load any Raster* object
rasterCreate.default Simple wrapper to load any Raster* object
rasterPath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
rasterPath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
rasterPath<- Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
rasterPath<--method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
rasterToMemory Read raster to memory
rasterToMemory-method Read raster to memory
registerOutputs Simulation outputs
remoteFileSize Determine the size of a remotely hosted file
reqdPkgs Metadata accessors
reqdPkgs-method Metadata accessors
restartR Restart R programmatically
restartSpades Restart an interrupted simulation
rndstr Generate random strings
rndstr-method Generate random strings

-- S --

simList-accessors-packages Get module or simulation package dependencies
saveFiles Save objects using '.saveObjects' in 'params' slot of 'simInit'
saveSim Save a whole 'simList' object to disk
saveSimList Save a whole 'simList' object to disk
scheduleConditionalEvent Schedule a conditional simulation event
scheduleEvent Schedule a simulation event
scratchPath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
scratchPath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
scratchPath<- Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
scratchPath<--method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
sessInfo Metadata accessors
sessInfo-method Metadata accessors
setProgressBar Progress bar
show-method Show an Object
showCache-method 'clearCache' for 'simList' objects
simFile Generate simulation file name
simInit Initialize a new simulation
simInit-method Initialize a new simulation
simInitAndExperiment Zip a 'simList' and various files
simInitAndSpades Call 'simInit' and 'spades' together
simInitDefaults Initialize a new simulation
simList The 'simList' class
simList-accessors-envir Simulation environment
simList-accessors-events Simulation event lists
simList-accessors-inout Simulation inputs
simList-accessors-metadata Metadata accessors
simList-accessors-modules Simulation modules and dependencies
simList-accessors-objects Extract or replace an object from the simulation environment
simList-accessors-params Get and set simulation parameters
simList-accessors-paths Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
simList-accessors-times Time usage in 'SpaDES'
simList-class The 'simList' class
simList_ The 'simList' class
simList_-class The 'simList' class
spades Run a spatial discrete event simulation
spades-method Run a spatial discrete event simulation
SpaDES.core Categorized overview of the 'SpaDES.core' package
spadesClasses Classes defined in SpaDES
spadesOptions 'SpaDES.core' options
spadesTimes Convert time units
start Time usage in 'SpaDES'
start.simList Time usage in 'SpaDES'
start<- Time usage in 'SpaDES'
start<--method Time usage in 'SpaDES'
suppliedElsewhere Assess whether an object has or will be supplied from elsewhere

-- T --

terraPath Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
terraPath-method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
terraPath<- Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
terraPath<--method Specify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary rasters
time.simList Time usage in 'SpaDES'
time<- Time usage in 'SpaDES'
time<--method Time usage in 'SpaDES'
times Time usage in 'SpaDES'
times-method Time usage in 'SpaDES'
times<- Time usage in 'SpaDES'
times<--method Time usage in 'SpaDES'
timeunit Time usage in 'SpaDES'
timeunit-method Time usage in 'SpaDES'
timeunit<- Time usage in 'SpaDES'
timeunit<--method Time usage in 'SpaDES'
timeunits Time usage in 'SpaDES'
timeunits-method Time usage in 'SpaDES'

-- U --

unmakeMemoisable.simList_ Make 'simList' correctly work with 'memoise'
unzipSimList Load a saved 'simList' and ancillary files
updateList Update elements of a named list with elements of a second named list
use_gha Use GitHub actions for automated module checking

-- W --

writeEventInfo Write simulation event info to file
writeRNGInfo Write RNG state info to file

-- Z --

zipModule Create a zip archive of a module subdirectory
zipModule-method Create a zip archive of a module subdirectory
zipSimList Zip a 'simList' and various files

-- misc --

.addChangedAttr-method '.addChangedAttr' for 'simList' objects
.addTagsToOutput-method '.addTagsToOutput' for 'simList' objects
.cacheMessage-method '.cacheMessage' for 'simList' objects
.checkCacheRepo-method '.checkCacheRepo' for 'simList' objects
.checkpointSave Simulation checkpoints.
.fileExtensions File extensions map
.findSimList Find 'simList' in a nested list
.first Event priority
.guessPkgFun Guess package of a function
.highest Event priority
.last Event priority
.lowest Event priority
.normal Event priority
.parseElems-method '.parseElems' for 'simList' class objects
.preDigestByClass-method Pre-digesting method for 'simList'
.prepareOutput-method '.prepareOutput' for 'simList' objects
.quickCheck The 'SpaDES.core' variable to switch between quick and robust checking
.robustDigest-method '.robustDigest' for 'simList' objects
.saveFileExtensions File extensions map
.spadesTimes Convert time units
.tagsByClass-method '.tagsByClass' for 'simList' objects
.unwrap.simList Methods for '.wrap' and '.unwrap'
.wrap.simList Methods for '.wrap' and '.unwrap'
[-method Extract an intact 'simList' but with subset of objects