inputs {SpaDES.core} | R Documentation |
Simulation inputs
Accessor functions for the inputs
slots in a simList
## S4 method for signature 'simList'
inputs(sim) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
inputs(sim) <- value
## S4 method for signature 'simList'
inputArgs(sim) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'simList'
inputArgs(sim) <- value
sim |
A |
value |
The object to be stored at the slot. See Details. |
These functions are one of three mechanisms to add the information about which input files
to load in a spades
As arguments to a
call. Specifically,inputs
. See?simInit
.With the
function call.By adding a function called
inside a module, which will be executed during thesimInit
call. This last way is the most "modular" way to create default data sets for your model.
See below for more details.
Returns or sets the value(s) of the input
or output
in the simList
inputs function or argument in simInit
accepts a data.frame, with up to 7 columns.
Columns are:
file | required, a character string indicating the file path. There is no default. |
objectName | optional, character string indicating the name of the object
that the loaded file will be assigned to in the simList . This object
can therefore be accessed with sim$xxx in any module, where
objectName = "xxx" . Defaults to the filename without file extension or
directory information. |
fun | optional, a character string indicating the function to use to
load that file. Defaults to the known extensions in SpaDES (found by
examining .fileExtensions() ). The package and fun can be
jointly specified here as "packageName::functionName" , e.g.,
"terra::rast" . |
package | optional character string indicating the package in
which to find the fun ); |
loadTime | optional numeric, indicating when in simulation time the file
should be loaded. The default is the highest priority at start(sim) ,
i.e., at the very start. |
interval | optional numeric, indicating at what interval should this same
exact file be reloaded from disk, e.g,. 10 would mean every 10 time units. The
default is NA or no interval, i.e, load the file only once as described in
loadTime |
arguments | is a list of lists of named arguments, one list for each
fun . For example, if fun="raster" , arguments = list(native = TRUE)
will pass the argument "native = TRUE" to raster. If there is only one list,
then it is assumed to apply to all files and will be recycled as per normal R
rules of recycling for each fun . |
Currently, only file
is required. All others will be filled with defaults
if not specified.
See the modules vignette for more details (browseVignettes("SpaDES.core")
function placed inside module
Any code placed inside a function called .inputObjects
will be run during
for the purpose of creating any objects required by this module,
i.e., objects identified in the inputObjects
element of defineModule
This is useful if there is something required before simulation to produce the module
object dependencies, including such things as downloading default datasets, e.g.,
downloadData('LCC2005', modulePath(sim))
Nothing should be created here that does not create an named object in inputObjects
Any other initiation procedures should be put in the "init" eventType
of the doEvent
Note: the module developer can use sim$.userSuppliedObjNames
inside the function to
selectively skip unnecessary steps because the user has provided those inputObjects
in the
call. e.g., the following code would look to see if the user had passed defaultColor
into during simInit
. If the user had done this, then this function would not override
that value with 'red'. If the user has not passed in a value for defaultColor
, then
the module will get it here:
if (!('defaultColor' %in% sim$.userSuppliedObjNames)) {
sim$defaultColor <- 'red'
See Also
SpaDES.core-package, specifically the section 1.2.2 on loading and saving.
Other functions to access elements of a 'simList' object:
# inputs
# Start with a basic empty simList
sim <- simInit()
test <- 1:10
tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "inputs") |> checkPath(create = TRUE)
tmpFile <- file.path(tmpdir, "test.rds")
saveRDS(test, file = tmpFile)
inputs(sim) <- data.frame(file = tmpFile) # using only required column, "file"
inputs(sim) # see that it is not yet loaded, but when it is scheduled to be loaded
simOut <- spades(sim)
inputs(simOut) # confirm it was loaded
# can put data.frame for inputs directly inside simInit call
allTifs <- dir(getMapPath(tempdir()), full.names = TRUE)
# next: .objectNames are taken from the filenames (without the extension)
# This will load all 5 tifs in the SpaDES sample directory, using
# the rast fuction in the terra package, all at time = 0
sim <- simInit(
inputs = data.frame(
files = allTifs,
functions = "rast",
package = "terra",
loadTime = 0,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# A fully described inputs object, including arguments:
files <- dir(getMapPath(tempdir()), full.names = TRUE)
# arguments must be a list of lists. This may require I() to keep it as a list
# once it gets coerced into the data.frame.
# arguments = I(rep(list(native = TRUE), length(files)))
filelist <- data.frame(
objectName = paste0("Maps", 1:5),
files = files,
functions = "terra::rast",
# arguments = arguments,
loadTime = 0,
intervals = c(rep(NA, length(files) - 1), 10)
inputs(sim) <- filelist
# Example showing loading multiple objects from global environment onto the
# same object in the simList, but at different load times
a1 <- 1
a2 <- 2
# Note arguments must be a list of NROW(inputs), with each element itself being a list,
# which is passed to[x], arguments[[x]]), where x is row number, one at a time
args <- lapply(1:2, function(x) {
list(x = paste0("a", x),
envir = environment()) # may be necessary to specify in which envir a1, a2
# are located, if not in an interactive session
inputs <- data.frame(objectName = "a", loadTime = 1:2, fun = "base::get", arguments = I(args))
a <- simInit(inputs = inputs, times = list(start = 0, end = 1))
a <- spades(a)
identical(a1, a$a)
end(a) <- 3
a <- spades(a) # different object (a2) loaded onto a$a
identical(a2, a$a)
# Clean up after
unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)