Plot,simList-method {SpaDES.core}R Documentation

Plot method for simList objects


Extends quickPlot::Plot for simList objects.


## S4 method for signature 'simList'
  new = FALSE,
  addTo = NULL,
  gp = gpar(),
  gpText = gpar(),
  gpAxis = gpar(),
  axes = FALSE,
  speedup = 1,
  size = 5,
  cols = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  zoomExtent = NULL,
  visualSqueeze = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  legendRange = NULL,
  legendText = NULL,
  pch = 19,
  title = NULL,
  na.color = "#FFFFFF00",
  zero.color = NULL,
  length = NULL,
  arr = NULL,
  plotFn = "plot",
  verbose = getOption("quickPlot.verbose")



A combination of spatialObjects or non-spatial objects. For many object classes, there are specific Plot methods. Where there are no specific ones, the base plotting will be used internally. This means that for objects with no specific Plot methods, many arguments, such as addTo, will not work. See details.


Logical. If TRUE, then the previous named plot area is wiped and a new one made; if FALSE, then the ... plots will be added to the current device, adding or rearranging the plot layout as necessary. Default is FALSE. This currently works best if there is only one object being plotted in a given Plot call. However, it is possible to pass a list of logicals to this, matching the length of the ... objects. Use clearPlot to clear the whole plotting device. NOTE if TRUE: Everything that was there, including the legend and the end points of the colour palette, will be removed and re-initiated.


Character vector, with same length as .... This is for overplotting, when the overplot is not to occur on the plot with the same name, such as plotting a ⁠SpatialPoints*⁠ object on a RasterLayer.


A gpar object, created by gpar(), to change plotting parameters (see grid package).


A gpar object for the title text. Default gpar(col = "black").


A gpar object for the axes. Default gpar(col = "black").


Logical or "L", representing the left and bottom axes, over all plots.


Numeric. The factor by which the number of pixels is divided by to plot rasters. See Details.


Numeric. The size, in points, for SpatialPoints symbols, if using a scalable symbol.


(also col) Character vector or list of character vectors of colours. See details.


(also cols) Alternative to cols to be consistent with plot. cols takes precedence, if both are provided.


An Extent object. Supplying a single extent that is smaller than the rasters will call a crop statement before plotting. Defaults to NULL. This occurs after any downsampling of rasters, so it may produce very pixelated maps.


Numeric. The proportion of the white space to be used for plots. Default is 0.75.


Logical indicating whether a legend should be drawn. Default is TRUE.


Numeric vector giving values that, representing the lower and upper bounds of a legend (i.e., 1:10 or c(1,10) will give same result) that will override the data bounds contained within the grobToPlot.


Character vector of legend value labels. Defaults to NULL, which results in a pretty numeric representation. If ⁠Raster*⁠ has a Raster Attribute Table (rat; see raster package), this will be used by default. Currently, only a single vector is accepted. The length of this must match the length of the legend, so this is mostly useful for discrete-valued rasters.


see ?par.


Logical or character string. If logical, it indicates whether to print the object name as the title above the plot. If a character string, it will print this above the plot. NOTE: the object name is used with addTo, not the title. Default NULL, which means print the object name as title, if no other already exists on the plot, in which case, keep the previous title.


Character string indicating the colour for NA values. Default transparent.


Character string indicating the colour for zero values, when zero is the minimum value, otherwise, zero is treated as any other colour. Default transparent.


Numeric. Optional length, in inches, of the arrow head.


A vector of length 2 indicating a desired arrangement of plot areas indicating number of rows, number of columns. Default NULL, meaning let Plot function do it automatically.


An optional function name to do the plotting internally, e.g., "barplot" to get a barplot() call. Default "plot".


Numeric or logical. If TRUE or ⁠>0⁠, then messages will be shown. If FALSE or 0, most messages will be suppressed.


See quickPlot::Plot. This method strips out stuff from a simList class object that would make it otherwise not reproducibly digestible between sessions, operating systems, or machines. This will likely still not allow identical digest results across R versions.


invoked for side effect of plotting

See Also


[Package SpaDES.core version 2.1.0 Index]