A Tool to Associate FASTA Sequences and Features

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Documentation for package ‘SeqFeatR’ version 0.3.1

Help Pages

assocpair Finding pairs of alignment positions that jointly mutate
assocpairfeat Finding pairs of sequence alignment positions associated with sequence feature.
assocpoint Searches for associations of single alignment positions with feature(s)
assocpointhierarchical Searches for associations of single alignment positions with feature(s) with a simple hierarchical model
assocpointpair Compare results of SeqFeatRs assocpoint with SeqFeatRs assocpair, assocpairfeat
assoctuple Searches for associations of a tuple of alignment positions with feature(s)
comparewithancestral Compares ancestral sequence with sequence alignment
foundereffectfinder Tries to identify a founder effect in results from SeqFeatRs assocpair
getfreqs Get frequencies for amino acids/nucleotides in alignment window (epitope)
orPlot Visualize odds ratios and p-values from SeqFeatRs assocpoint
qvalues Calculate q-values from p-values
rewritetuple Rewrite result from SeqFeatRs assoctuple
SeqFeatR_GUI GUI for SeqFeatR
smallmanhattan A small version of manhattan plot
tartan Visualize association of mutation pairs and features from two (comparable) analyses.
visualizepair Visualize pairs of alignment positions that jointly mutate
visualizepairfeat Visualize pairs of sequence alignment positions associated with sequence feature.
volcanoplot Create volcano plot