SampleSizeMeans-package |
Bayesian Sample Sizes Calculations Based on Highest Posterior Density Intervals for Normal Means and Differences between Normal Means |
mu.acc |
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Average Coverage Criterion |
mu.alc |
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Average Length Criterion |
mu.freq |
Frequentist sample size determination for normal means |
mu.mbl.varknown |
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean with known variance using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood criteria |
mu.mblacc |
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Coverage Criterion |
mu.mblalc |
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Length Criterion |
mu.mblmodwoc |
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Modified Worst Outcome Criterion |
mu.modwoc |
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Modified Worst Outcome Criterion |
mu.varknown |
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean with known variance |
mudiff.acc |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Average Coverage Criterion |
mudiff.acc.equalvar |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Average Coverage Criterion |
mudiff.alc |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Average Length Criterion |
mudiff.alc.equalvar |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Average Length Criterion |
mudiff.freq |
Frequentist sample size determination for differences in normal means |
mudiff.mbl.varknown |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are known using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood criteria |
mudiff.mblacc |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the mixed Bayesian/likelihood Average Coverage Criterion |
mudiff.mblacc.equalvar |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Coverage Criterion |
mudiff.mblalc |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Length Criterion |
mudiff.mblalc.equalvar |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Length Criterion |
mudiff.mblmodwoc |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Modified Worst Outcome Criterion |
mudiff.mblmodwoc.equalvar |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Modified Worst Outcome Criterion |
mudiff.modwoc |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Modified Worst Outcome Criterion |
mudiff.modwoc.equalvar |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Modified Worst Outcome Criterion |
mudiff.varknown |
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are known |