mudiff.mblmodwoc {SampleSizeMeans}R Documentation

Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Modified Worst Outcome Criterion


The function mudiff.mblmodwoc uses a mixed Bayesian/likelihood approach to determine conservative sample sizes, in the sense that the desired posterior credible interval coverage and length for the difference between two normal means are guaranteed over a given proportion of data sets that can arise according to the prior information.


mudiff.mblmodwoc(len, alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2, level = 0.95,
                        worst.level = 0.95, m = 50000, mcs = 3)



The desired total length of the posterior credible interval for the difference between the two unknown means


First prior parameter of the Gamma density for the precision (reciprocal of the variance) for the first population


Second prior parameter of the Gamma density for the precision (reciprocal of the variance) for the first population


First prior parameter of the Gamma density for the precision (reciprocal of the variance) for the second population


Second prior parameter of the Gamma density for the precision (reciprocal of the variance) for the second population


The desired fixed coverage probability of the posterior credible interval (e.g., 0.95)


The probability that the length of the posterior credible interval of fixed coverage probability level will be at most len


The number of points simulated from the preposterior distribution of the data. For each point, the length of the highest posterior density interval of fixed coverage probability level is estimated, in order to approximate the (100*worst.level)%-percentile of the posterior credible interval length. Usually 50000 is sufficient, but one can increase this number at the expense of program running time.


The Maximum number of Consecutive Steps allowed in the same direction in the march towards the optimal sample size, before the result for the next upper/lower bound is cross-checked. In our experience, mcs = 3 is a good choice.


Assume that a sample from each of two populations will be collected in order to estimate the difference between two independent normal means. Assume that the precision within each of the two the populations are unknown, but have prior information in the form of Gamma(alpha1, beta1) and Gamma(alpha2, beta2) densities, respectively. The function mudiff.mblmodwoc returns the required sample sizes to attain the desired length len for the posterior credible interval of fixed coverage probability level for the difference between the two unknown means. The Modified Worst Outcome Criterion used is conservative, in the sense that the posterior credible interval length len is guaranteed over the worst.level proportion of all possible data sets that can arise according to the prior information, for a fixed coverage probability level.

This function uses a Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood (MBL) approach. MBL approaches use the prior information to derive the predictive distribution of the data, but uses only the likelihood function for final inferences. This approach is intended to satisfy investigators who recognize that prior information is important for planning purposes but prefer to base final inferences only on the data.


The required sample sizes (n1, n2) for each group given the inputs to the function.


The sample sizes are calculated via Monte Carlo simulations, and therefore may vary from one call to the next.

It is also correct to state that the coverage probability of the posterior credible interval of fixed length len will be at least level with probability worst.level with the sample sizes returned.


Lawrence Joseph and Patrick Bélisle


Joseph L, Bélisle P.
Bayesian sample size determination for Normal means and differences between Normal means
The Statistician 1997;46(2):209-226.

See Also

mudiff.mblacc, mudiff.mblalc, mudiff.mblacc.equalvar, mudiff.mblalc.equalvar, mudiff.mblmodwoc.equalvar, mudiff.mbl.varknown, mudiff.acc, mudiff.alc, mudiff.modwoc, mudiff.acc.equalvar, mudiff.alc.equalvar, mudiff.modwoc.equalvar, mudiff.varknown, mudiff.freq, mu.mblacc, mu.mblalc, mu.mblmodwoc, mu.mbl.varknown, mu.acc, mu.alc, mu.modwoc, mu.varknown, mu.freq


mudiff.mblmodwoc(len=0.2, alpha1=2, beta1=2, alpha2=3, beta2=3, worst.level=0.95)

[Package SampleSizeMeans version 1.2.3 Index]