$<-.setupSNP | Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp' |
additive | Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance |
additive.snp | SNP object |
additive.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
as.snp | SNP object |
association | Association analysis between a single SNP and a given phenotype |
asthma | SNP data on asthma case-control study |
Bonferroni.sig | Bonferroni correction of p values |
codominant | Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance |
codominant.snp | SNP object |
codominant.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
dominant | Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance |
dominant.snp | SNP object |
dominant.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
geneticModel | Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance |
GenomicControl | Population substructure |
getGeneSymbol | Get gene symbol from a list of SNPs |
getNiceTable | Get Latex output |
getSignificantSNPs | Extract significant SNPs from an object of class 'WGassociation' |
haplo.interaction | Haplotype interaction with a covariate |
HapMap | SNPs from HapMap project |
HapMap.SNPs.pos | SNPs from HapMap project |
inheritance | Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance |
int | Identify interaction term |
interactionPval | Two-dimensional SNP analysis for association studies |
intervals | Print ORs and 95% confidence intervals for an object of class 'haplo.glm' |
intervals.haplo.glm | Print ORs and 95% confidence intervals for an object of class 'haplo.glm' |
is.snp | SNP object |
labels.setupSNP | Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp' |
labels.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
LD | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
LD.setupSNP | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
LD.snp | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
LDplot | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
LDtable | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
make.geno | Create a group of locus objects from some SNPs, assign to 'model.matrix' class. |
maxstat | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
maxstat.default | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
maxstat.matrix | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
maxstat.setupSNP | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
maxstat.table | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
odds | Extract odds ratios, 95% CI and pvalues |
overdominant | Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance |
overdominant.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
permTest | Permutation test analysis |
plot.permTest | Permutation test analysis |
plot.setupSNP | Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp' |
plot.snp | SNP object |
plot.SNPinteraction | Two-dimensional SNP analysis for association studies |
plot.WGassociation | Function to plot -log p values from an object of class 'WGassociation' |
plotMissing | Plot of missing genotypes |
print.haploOut | Haplotype interaction with a covariate |
print.intervals | Print ORs and 95% confidence intervals for an object of class 'haplo.glm' |
print.maxstat | max-statistic for a 2x3 table |
print.permTest | Permutation test analysis |
print.snp | SNP object |
print.SNPinteraction | Two-dimensional SNP analysis for association studies |
print.snpOut | Association analysis between a single SNP and a given phenotype |
print.summary.snp | SNP object |
print.tableHWE | Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
print.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
pvalues | Whole genome association analysis |
pvalues.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
qqpval | Functions for inspecting population substructure |
recessive | Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance |
recessive.snp | SNP object |
recessive.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
related | Get related samples |
reorder.snp | SNP object |
resHapMap | SNPs from HapMap project |
scanWGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
setupSNP | Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp' |
snp | SNP object |
SNPs | SNPs in a case-control study |
SNPs.info.pos | SNPs in a case-control study |
sortSNPs | Sort a vector of SNPs by genomic position |
summary.haplo.glm | Print ORs and 95% confidence intervals for an object of class 'haplo.glm' |
summary.setupSNP | Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp' |
summary.snp | SNP object |
summary.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
Table.mean.se | Descriptive sample size, mean, and standard error |
Table.N.Per | Descriptive sample size and percentage |
tableHWE | Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
WGstats | Whole genome association analysis |
[.setupSNP | Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp' |
[.snp | SNP object |
[.WGassociation | Whole genome association analysis |
[<-.setupSNP | Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp' |
[[<-.setupSNP | Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp' |