SNPs-Based Whole Genome Association Studies

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Documentation for package ‘SNPassoc’ version 2.1-0

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$<-.setupSNP Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp'
additive Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance
additive.snp SNP object
additive.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
as.snp SNP object
association Association analysis between a single SNP and a given phenotype
asthma SNP data on asthma case-control study
Bonferroni.sig Bonferroni correction of p values
codominant Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance
codominant.snp SNP object
codominant.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
dominant Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance
dominant.snp SNP object
dominant.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
geneticModel Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance
GenomicControl Population substructure
getGeneSymbol Get gene symbol from a list of SNPs
getNiceTable Get Latex output
getSignificantSNPs Extract significant SNPs from an object of class 'WGassociation'
haplo.interaction Haplotype interaction with a covariate
HapMap SNPs from HapMap project
HapMap.SNPs.pos SNPs from HapMap project
inheritance Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance
int Identify interaction term
interactionPval Two-dimensional SNP analysis for association studies
intervals Print ORs and 95% confidence intervals for an object of class 'haplo.glm'
intervals.haplo.glm Print ORs and 95% confidence intervals for an object of class 'haplo.glm'
is.snp SNP object
labels.setupSNP Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp'
labels.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
LD max-statistic for a 2x3 table
LD.setupSNP max-statistic for a 2x3 table
LD.snp max-statistic for a 2x3 table
LDplot max-statistic for a 2x3 table
LDtable max-statistic for a 2x3 table
make.geno Create a group of locus objects from some SNPs, assign to 'model.matrix' class.
maxstat max-statistic for a 2x3 table
maxstat.default max-statistic for a 2x3 table
maxstat.matrix max-statistic for a 2x3 table
maxstat.setupSNP max-statistic for a 2x3 table
maxstat.table max-statistic for a 2x3 table
odds Extract odds ratios, 95% CI and pvalues
overdominant Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance
overdominant.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
permTest Permutation test analysis
plot.permTest Permutation test analysis
plot.setupSNP Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp'
plot.snp SNP object
plot.SNPinteraction Two-dimensional SNP analysis for association studies
plot.WGassociation Function to plot -log p values from an object of class 'WGassociation'
plotMissing Plot of missing genotypes
print.haploOut Haplotype interaction with a covariate
print.intervals Print ORs and 95% confidence intervals for an object of class 'haplo.glm'
print.maxstat max-statistic for a 2x3 table
print.permTest Permutation test analysis
print.snp SNP object
print.SNPinteraction Two-dimensional SNP analysis for association studies
print.snpOut Association analysis between a single SNP and a given phenotype
print.summary.snp SNP object
print.tableHWE Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
print.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
pvalues Whole genome association analysis
pvalues.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
qqpval Functions for inspecting population substructure
recessive Collapsing (or recoding) genotypes into different categories (generally two) depending on a given genetic mode of inheritance
recessive.snp SNP object
recessive.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
related Get related samples
reorder.snp SNP object
resHapMap SNPs from HapMap project
scanWGassociation Whole genome association analysis
setupSNP Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp'
snp SNP object
SNPs SNPs in a case-control study SNPs in a case-control study
sortSNPs Sort a vector of SNPs by genomic position
summary.haplo.glm Print ORs and 95% confidence intervals for an object of class 'haplo.glm'
summary.setupSNP Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp'
summary.snp SNP object
summary.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis Descriptive sample size, mean, and standard error
Table.N.Per Descriptive sample size and percentage
tableHWE Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
WGstats Whole genome association analysis
[.setupSNP Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp'
[.snp SNP object
[.WGassociation Whole genome association analysis
[<-.setupSNP Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp'
[[<-.setupSNP Convert columns in a dataframe to class 'snp'