Statistical Analysis to Identify Isotope Incorporating MAGs

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Documentation for package ‘SIPmg’ version 1.4.1

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atomX Atom fraction excess table
calc_atom_excess_MAGs Calculate atom fraction excess
calc_Mheavymax_MAGs Calculate Mheavymax
coverage_normalization Normalize feature coverages to estimate absolute abundance or relative coverage using MAG/contig coverage values with or without multiplying total DNA concentration of the fraction
DESeq2_l2fc Calculating log2 fold change for HTS-SIP data.
df_atomX_boot Bootstrapped atom fraction excess table
filter_l2fc Filter l2fc table
filter_na Remove MAGs with NAs from atomX table
fractions Fractions table
f_tibble Coverage table
GC_content GC_content table
HRSIP (MW-)HR-SIP analysis
incorporators_taxonomy Isotope incorporator list with GTDB taxonomy
mag.table MAG abundance table in phyloseq format
phylo.qSIP Master phyloseq object
phylo.table Master phyloseq object using the MAG phyloseq objects
qSIP_atom_excess_format_MAGs Reformat a phyloseq object of qSIP_atom_excess_MAGs analysis
qSIP_atom_excess_MAGs Calculate atom fraction excess using q-SIP method
qSIP_bootstrap_fcr Calculate adjusted bootstrap CI after for multiple testing for atom fraction excess using q-SIP method. Multiple hypothesis tests are corrected by
sample.table phyloseq-styled sample table
samples.object Fractions table in phyloseq format
scale_features_lm Scale feature coverage values to estimate their absolute abundance
scale_features_rlm Scale feature coverage values to estimate their absolute abundance
sequins Sequins table
seq_dil Sequins dilution table
tax.table phyloseq taxa table from GTDB taxonomy input
taxonomy.object Taxonomy table in phyloseq format
taxonomy_tibble Taxonomy table