Sparse Family and Selection Index

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Documentation for package ‘SFSI’ version 1.4

Help Pages

coef.LASSO LASSO methods
coef.SGP SGP methods
cov2cor2 Conversion of a covariance matrix to a distance/correlation matrix
cov2dist Conversion of a covariance matrix to a distance/correlation matrix
fitBLUP Fitting a Linear Mixed model to calculate BLUP
genCOV_xy Wheat dataset
genCOV_yy Wheat dataset
getGenCov Pairwise Genetic Covariance
get_folds Data partition into folds of the same size
LARS Least Angle Regression to solve LASSO-type problems
M Wheat dataset
multitrait.plot Accuracy vs penalization from multi-trait SGP
net Graphical Network
path.plot Coefficients path plot Plotting a network
plot.SGP Accuracy vs penalization plot
predict.LASSO LASSO methods
predict.SGP SGP methods
Prune R-squared pruning
readBinary Save/read binary files
read_SGP Read and combine SGP outputs
read_summary Read and combine SGP outputs
resCOV_yy Wheat dataset
saveBinary Save/read binary files
SGP Sparse Genomic Prediction
SGP.CV Sparse Genomic Prediction
solveEN Coordinate Descent algorithm to solve Elastic-Net-type problems
summary.SGP SGP methods
VI_E1 Wheat dataset
wheatHTP Wheat dataset
X_E1 Wheat dataset
Y Wheat dataset