7. Genetic covariances computation {SFSI}R Documentation

Pairwise Genetic Covariance


Pairwise genetic covariances for variables with the same experimental design


getGenCov(y, X = NULL, Z = NULL, K = NULL, trn = NULL,
          EVD = NULL, ID_geno, ID_trait, scale = TRUE,
          pairwise = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...)



(numeric matrix) Response variable vector. It can be a matrix with each column representing a different response variable


(numeric matrix) Design matrix for fixed effects. When X=NULL a vector of ones is constructed only for the intercept (default)


(numeric matrix) Design matrix for random effects. When Z=NULL an identity matrix is considered (default) thus G = K; otherwise G = Z K Z' is used


(numeric matrix) Kinship relationship matrix


(integer vector) Which elements from vector y are to be used for training. When trn = NULL, non-NA entries in vector y will be used as training set


(list) Eigenvectors and eigenvalues from eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) of G corresponding to training data


(character/integer) Vector with either names or indices mapping entries of the vector y to rows/columns of matrix G


(character/integer) Vector with either names or indices mapping entries of the vector y to different traits


TRUE or FALSE to scale each column of y by their corresponding standard deviations so the resulting variables will have unit variance


TRUE or FALSE to calculate pairwise genetic covariances for all columns in y. When pairwise = FALSE (default) covariances of the first column in y with the remaining columns (2,...,ncol(y)) are calculated


TRUE or FALSE to whether show progress


Other arguments passed to the function 'fitBLUP'


Assumes that both y1 and y2 follow the basic linear mixed model that relates phenotypes with genetic values of the form

y1 = X b1 + Z g1 + e1
y2 = X b2 + Z g2 + e2

where b1 and b2 are the specific fixed effects, g1 and g2 are the specific genetic effects of the genotypes, e1 and e2 are the vectors of specific environmental residuals, and X and Z are common design matrices for the fixed and genetic effects, respectively. Genetic effects are assumed to follow a Normal distribution as g1 ~ N(02u1K) and g2 ~ N(02u2K), and environmental terms are assumed e1 ~ N(02e1I) and e2 ~ N(02e2I).

The genetic covariance σ2u1,u2 is estimated from the formula for the variance for the sum of two variables as

σ2u1,u2 = 1/2(σ2u3 - σ2u1 - σ2u2)

where σ2u3 is the genetic variance of the variable y3 = y1 + y2 that also follows the same model as for y1 and y2.

Likewise, the environmental covariance σ2e1,e2 is estimated as

σ2e1,e2 = 1/2(σ2e3 - σ2e1 - σ2e2)

where σ2e3 is the error variance of the variable y3.

Solutions are found using the function 'fitBLUP' (see help(fitBLUP)) to sequentialy fit mixed models for all the variables y1, y2 and y3.


Returns a list object that contains the elements:

When pairwise = TRUE, varU and varE are matrices containing all variances (diagonal) and pairwise covariances (off diagonal)


  index = which(Y$trial %in% 1:10)    # Use only a subset of data
  Y = Y[index,]
  M = scale(M[index,])/sqrt(ncol(M))  # Subset and scale markers
  G = tcrossprod(M)                   # Genomic relationship matrix
  Y0 = scale(as.matrix(Y[,4:7]))      # Response variable
  ID_geno = as.vector(row(Y0))
  ID_trait = as.vector(col(Y0))
  y = as.vector(Y0)
  # Pairwise covariance for all columns in y
  fm = getGenCov(y=y, K=G, ID_geno=ID_geno, ID_trait=ID_trait)
  fm$varU           # Genetic variances
  fm$varE           # Residual variances
  fm$varU+fm$varE   # Phenotypic covariance
  var(Y0)           # Sample phenotypic covariance
  # Covariances between the first and the rest: y[,1] and y[,2:4]
  fm = getGenCov(y=y, K=G, ID_geno=ID_geno, ID_trait=ID_trait, pairwise=FALSE)
  fm$covU           # Genetic covariance between y[,1] and y[,2:4]
  # Containing some missing values:
  # The model is estimated from common training data
  YNA = Y0
  YNA[Y$trial %in% 1:2, 1] = NA
  YNA[Y$trial %in% 2:3, 3] = NA
  y = as.vector(YNA)
  fm = getGenCov(y=y, K=G, ID_geno=ID_geno, ID_trait=ID_trait)

[Package SFSI version 1.4 Index]