Rvcg-package |
Interface between R and vcglib libraries for mesh operations |
checkFaceOrientation |
check the orientation of a mesh |
dummyhead |
dummyhead - dummy head and landmarks |
dummyhead.lm |
dummyhead - dummy head and landmarks |
dummyhead.mesh |
dummyhead - dummy head and landmarks |
humface |
Example mesh and landmarks |
humface.lm |
Example mesh and landmarks |
humfaceClean |
Example mesh and landmarks |
meshInfo |
print number of vertices and triangular faces of a mesh |
meshintegrity |
check if an object of class mesh3d contains valid data |
nfaces |
get number of vertices from a mesh |
nverts |
get number of vertices from a mesh |
Rvcg |
Interface between R and vcglib libraries for mesh operations |
setRays |
helper function to create an object to be processed by vcgRaySearch |
vcgArea |
compute surface area of a triangular mesh |
vcgBallPivoting |
Ball pivoting surface reconstruction |
vcgBary |
get barycenters of all faces of a triangular mesh |
vcgBorder |
find all border vertices and faces of a triangular mesh |
vcgBox |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgClean |
Clean triangular surface meshes |
vcgClost |
Project coordinates onto a target triangular surface mesh. |
vcgClostKD |
Project coordinates onto a target triangular surface mesh using KD-tree search |
vcgClostOnKDtreeFromBarycenters |
search a KD-tree from Barycenters for multiple closest point searches on a mesh |
vcgCone |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgCreateKDtree |
create a KD-tree |
vcgCreateKDtreeFromBarycenters |
create a KD-tree from Barycenters for multiple closest point searches on a mesh |
vcgCurve |
calculate curvature of a triangular mesh |
vcgDijkstra |
Compute pseudo-geodesic distances on a triangular mesh |
vcgDodecahedron |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgFaceNormals |
Compute normalized face normals for a mesh. |
vcgGeodesicPath |
Compute geodesic path and path length between vertices on a mesh |
vcgGeodist |
Compute pseudo-geodesic distance between two points on a mesh |
vcgGetEdge |
Get all edges of a triangular mesh |
vcgHexahedron |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgIcosahedron |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgImport |
Import common mesh file formats. |
vcgIsolated |
Remove isolated pieces from a surface mesh or split into connected components |
vcgIsosurface |
Create Isosurface from 3D-array |
vcgIsotropicRemeshing |
Isotropically remesh a triangular surface mesh |
vcgKDtree |
perform kdtree search for 3D-coordinates. |
vcgKmeans |
fast Kmean clustering for 1D, 2D and 3D data |
vcgMeshres |
calculates the average edge length of a triangular mesh |
vcgMetro |
evaluate the difference between two triangular meshes. |
vcgNonBorderEdge |
Get all non-border edges |
vcgObjWrite |
Export meshes to OBJ-files |
vcgOctahedron |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgOffWrite |
Export meshes to OFF-files |
vcgPlyRead |
Import ascii or binary PLY files. |
vcgPlyWrite |
Export meshes to PLY-files |
vcgPlyWrite.matrix |
Export meshes to PLY-files |
vcgPlyWrite.mesh3d |
Export meshes to PLY-files |
vcgQEdecim |
Performs Quadric Edge Decimation on triangular meshes. |
vcgRaySearch |
check if a mesh is intersected by a set of rays |
vcgSample |
Subsamples points on a mesh surface |
vcgSearchKDtree |
search an existing KD-tree |
vcgSmooth |
Smoothes a triangular mesh |
vcgSmoothImplicit |
Implicit Smoothes a triangular mesh |
vcgSphere |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgSphericalCap |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgSquare |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgStlWrite |
Export meshes to STL-files |
vcgSubdivide |
subdivide the triangles of a mesh |
vcgTetrahedron |
create platonic objects as triangular meshes |
vcgUniformRemesh |
Resample a mesh uniformly |
vcgUpdateNormals |
updates vertex normals of a triangular meshes or point clouds |
vcgVertexNeighbors |
Compute mesh adjacency list representation or the vertex neighborhoods of specific mesh vertices. |
vcgVFadj |
find all faces belonging to each vertex in a mesh |
vcgVolume |
Compute volume for manifold meshes |
vcgWrlWrite |
Export meshes to WRL-files |