Geo-Statistical Modeling of Spatially Referenced Data

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Documentation for package ‘RiskMap’ version 0.1.0

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anopheles Anopheles mosquitoes in Southern Cameroon
coef.RiskMap Extract Parameter Estimates from a "RiskMap" Model Fit
create_grid Create Grid of Points Within Shapefile
dist_summaries Summaries of the distances
galicia Heavy metal biomonitoring in Galicia
glgpm Estimation of Generalized Linear Gaussian Process Models
glgpm_sim Simulation from Generalized Linear Gaussian Process Models
gp Gaussian Process Model Specification
italy_sim Simulated data-set on the Italian peninsula
Laplace_sampling_MCMC Laplace Sampling Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for Generalized Linear Gaussian Process Models
liberia River-blindness in Liberia
loaloa Loa loa prevalence data from 197 village surveys
malkenya Malaria Transmission in the Western Kenyan Highlands
malnutrition Malnutrition in Ghana
matern.grad.phi First Derivative with Respect to phi
matern.hessian.phi Second Derivative with Respect to phi
matern_cor Matern Correlation Function
maxim.integrand Maximization of the Integrand for Generalized Linear Gaussian Process Models
plot.RiskMap_pred_target_grid Plot Method for RiskMap_pred_target_grid Objects
plot.RiskMap_pred_target_shp Plot Method for RiskMap_pred_target_shp Objects
plot_s_variogram Plotting the empirical variogram
pred_over_grid Prediction of the random effects components and covariates effects over a spatial grid using a fitted generalized linear Gaussian process model
pred_target_grid Predictive Target Over a Regular Spatial Grid
pred_target_shp Predictive Target over a Shapefile
print.summary.RiskMap Print Summary of RiskMap Model
propose_utm EPSG of the UTM Zone
re Random Effect Model Specification
set_control_sim Set Control Parameters for Simulation
summary.RiskMap Summarize Model Fits
s_variogram Empirical variogram
to_table Create LaTeX Table from Model Fit