dist_summaries {RiskMap}R Documentation

Summaries of the distances


Computes the distances between the locations in the data-set and returns summary statistics of these.


dist_summaries(data, convert_to_utm = TRUE, scale_to_km = FALSE)



an object of class sf containing the variable for which the variogram is to be computed and the coordinates


a logical value, indicating if the conversion to UTM shuold be performed (convert_to_utm = TRUE) or the coordinate reference system of the data must be used without any conversion (convert_to_utm = FALSE). By default convert_to_utm = TRUE. Note: if convert_to_utm = TRUE the conversion to UTM is performed using the epsg provided by propose_utm.


a logical value, indicating if the distances used in the variogram must be scaled to kilometers (scale_to_km = TRUE) or left in meters (scale_to_km = FALSE). By default scale_to_km = FALSE


a list containing the following components

min the minimum distance

max the maximum distance

mean the mean distance

median the minimum distance

[Package RiskMap version 0.1.0 Index]