Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows

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Documentation for package ‘Require’ version 1.0.0

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Require-package Require: Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows
.downloadFileMasterMainAuth GITHUB_PAT-aware and 'main'-'master'-aware download from GitHub
.installed.pkgs Partial alternative (faster) to 'installed.packages'
available.packagesCached Available and archived versions
availablePackagesOverride Create a custom "available.packages" object
availableVersionOK Needs 'VersionOnRepos', 'versionSpec' and 'inequality' columns
cacheClearPackages Clear Require Cache elements
cacheDefaultDir The default cache directory for Require Cache
cacheDir Path to (package) cache directory
cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir Get the option for 'Require.cachePkgDir'
cachePkgDir Path to (package) cache directory
cachePurge Purge everything in the Require cache
checkLibPaths Creates the directories, and adds version number
checkPath Check directory path
checkPath-method Check directory path
clearRequirePackageCache Clear Require Cache elements
compareVersion2 Compare package versions
dealWithMissingLibPaths Only checks for deprecated libPath argument (singular)
DESCRIPTIONFileOtherV GitHub package tools
DESCRIPTIONFileVersionV GitHub package tools
detachAll Detach and unload all packages
dlArchiveVersionsAvailable Available and archived versions
dlGitHubDESCRIPTION GitHub package tools
doLibPaths Deals with missing libPaths arg, and takes first
envPkgCreate 1st level -> create the .pkgEnv object in Require
envPkgDepDepsCreate 3rd level for deps #############################################
envPkgDepDESCFileCreate 3rd level for DESCRIPTIONFile
extractInequality Extract info from package character strings
extractPkgGitHub Extract info from package character strings
extractPkgName Extract info from package character strings
extractVersionNumber Extract info from package character strings
fileRenameOrMove Create link to file, falling back to making a copy if linking fails.
getDeps The 'packages' argument may have up to 4 pieces of information for GitHub packages: name, repository, branch, version. For CRAN-alikes, it will only be 2 pieces: name, version. There can also be an inequality or equality, if there is a version.
getRequireOptions 'Require' options
Install Require: Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows
invertList Invert a 2-level list
joinToAvailablePackages Join a data.table with a 'Package' column to 'available.packages'
linkOrCopy Create link to file, falling back to making a copy if linking fails.
masterMainToHead This converts master or main to HEAD for a git repo
messageDF Use message to print a clean square data structure
messageVerbose Use message to print a clean square data structure
messageVerboseCounter Use message to print a clean square data structure
modifyList2 'modifyList' for multiple lists
modifyList3 'modifyList' for multiple lists
normPath Normalize filepath
normPath-method Normalize filepath
paddedFloatToChar Convert numeric to character with padding
pakEnv 2nd level
parseGitHub Parse a github package specification
pkgDep Reverse package depends
pkgDep2 Reverse package depends
pkgDepEnv 2nd level
pkgDepIfDepRemoved Package dependencies when one or more packages removed
pkgDepTopoSort Reverse package depends
pkgSnapshot Take a snapshot of all the packages and version numbers
pkgSnapshot2 Take a snapshot of all the packages and version numbers
purgeCache Purge everything in the Require cache
Require Require: Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows
RequireOptions 'Require' options
rmBase Recursive function to remove '.basePkgs'
rversions R versions
setdiffNamed Like 'setdiff', but takes into account names
setLibPaths Set '.libPaths'
setLinuxBinaryRepo Setup for binary Linux repositories
setup Setup a project library, cache, options
setupOff Setup a project library, cache, options
sourcePkgs A list of R packages that should likely be installed from Source, not Binary
splitKeepOrderAndDTIntegrity 'split' for a data.table that keeps integrity of a column of lists of data.table objects
sysInstallAndDownload download.files or install.packages in a separate process
tempdir2 Make a temporary (sub-)directory
tempfile2 Make a temporary subfile in a temporary (sub-)directory
trimVersionNumber Trim version number off a compound package name
updatePackages Update installed packages with latest available versions