cachePurge {Require}R Documentation

Purge everything in the Require cache


Require uses caches for local Package saving, local caches of available.packages, local caches of GitHub (e.g., "DESCRIPTION") files, and some function calls that are cached. This function clears all of them.


cachePurge(packages = FALSE, repos = getOption("repos"))

purgeCache(packages = FALSE, repos = getOption("repos"))



Either a character vector of packages to install via install.packages, then load (i.e., with library), or, for convenience, a vector or list (using c or list) of unquoted package names to install and/or load (as in require, but vectorized). Passing vectors of names may not work in all cases, so user should confirm before relying on this behaviour in operational code. In the case of a GitHub package, it will be assumed that the name of the repository is the name of the package. If this is not the case, then pass a named character vector here, where the names are the package names that could be different than the GitHub repository name.


The remote repository (e.g., a CRAN mirror), passed to either install.packages, install_github or installVersions.


Run for its side effect, namely, all cached objects are removed.

[Package Require version 1.0.0 Index]