RequireOptions {Require}R Documentation

Require options


These provide top-level, powerful settings for a comprehensive reproducible workflow. See Details below.






prints the default values of package options set at startup, which may have been changed (e.g., by the user) during the current session.


prints the current values of package options.

Below are options that can be set with options("" = newValue), where xxx is one of the values below, and newValue is a new value to give the option. Sometimes these options can be placed in the user's .Rprofile file so they persist between sessions.

The following options are likely of interest to most users:


Default: TRUE. This is the default argument to Require, but does not affect Install. If this is FALSE, then no installations will be attempted, and missing packages will result in an error.


Default: cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir(), which must be either a path or a logical. To turn off package caching, set this to FALSE. This can be set using an environment variable e.g. Sys.setenv(R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE = "somePath"), or Sys.setenv(R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE = "TRUE"); if that is not set, then an either a path or logical option (options(Require.cachePkgDir = "somePath") or options(Require.cachePkgDir = TRUE)). If TRUE, the default folder location cachePkgDir() will be used. If this is TRUE or a path is provided, then binary and source packages will be cached here. Subsequent downloads of same package will use local copy. Default is to have packages not be cached locally so each install of the same version will be from the original source, e.g., CRAN, GitHub.


Default: A character vector of packages that are generally more successful if installed from Source on Unix-alikes. Since there are repositories that offer binary packages builds for Linux (e.g., RStudio Package Manager), the vector of package names indicated here will default to a standard CRAN repository, forcing a source install. See also spatialPkgs option, which does the same for spatial packages.


Default: FALSE. If set to (almost) all internal caches used by Require will be deleted and rebuilt. This should not generally be necessary as it will automatically be deleted after (by default) 1 hour (set via R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE environment variable in seconds)


Default: A character vector of packages that are generally more successful if installed from Source on Unix-alikes. Since there are repositories that offer binary packages builds for Linux (e.g., RStudio Package Manager), the vector of package names indicated here will default to a standard CRAN repository, forcing a source install. See also otherPkgs option, which does the same for non-spatial packages.


Default: FALSE. A user can optionally use the locally cached packages that are available due to a user's use of the crancache package.


Default: 1. See ?Require.

[Package Require version 1.0.0 Index]