C D E F G I J L M O P R S T U W misc
classifySupv | Supervised Classification |
classifySupv-method | Supervised Classification |
classifySupv-methods | Supervised Classification |
classifyUnsup | Unsupervised Classification |
clone | Serialization of record linkage object. |
clone-method | Serialization of record linkage object. |
clone-methods | Serialization of record linkage object. |
compare.dedup | Compare Records |
compare.linkage | Compare Records |
deleteNULLs | Remove NULL Values |
editMatch | Edit Matching Status |
editMatch-method | Edit Matching Status |
editMatch-methods | Edit Matching Status |
emClassify | Weight-based Classification of Data Pairs |
emClassify-method | Weight-based Classification of Data Pairs |
emWeights | Calculate weights |
emWeights-method | Calculate weights |
emWeights-methods | Calculate weights |
epiClassify | Classify record pairs with EpiLink weights |
epiClassify-method | Classify record pairs with EpiLink weights |
epiClassify-methods | Classify record pairs with EpiLink weights |
epiWeights | Calculate EpiLink weights |
epiWeights-method | Calculate EpiLink weights |
epiWeights-methods | Calculate EpiLink weights |
errorMeasures | Calculate Error Measures |
ffdf-class | Class '"ffdf"' |
ff_vector-class | Class '"ff_vector"' |
fsClassify | Stochastic record linkage. |
fsClassify-method | Stochastic record linkage. |
fsClassify-methods | Stochastic record linkage. |
fsWeights | Stochastic record linkage. |
fsWeights-method | Stochastic record linkage. |
fsWeights-methods | Stochastic record linkage. |
genSamples | Generate Training Set |
getErrorMeasures | Calculate Error Measures |
getErrorMeasures-method | Calculate Error Measures |
getErrorMeasures-methods | Calculate Error Measures |
getExpectedSize | Estimate number of record pairs. |
getExpectedSize-method | Estimate number of record pairs. |
getExpectedSize-methods | Estimate number of record pairs. |
getFalse | Extract Record Pairs |
getFalseNeg | Extract Record Pairs |
getFalsePos | Extract Record Pairs |
getFrequencies | Get attribute frequencies |
getFrequencies-method | Get attribute frequencies |
getFrequencies-methods | Get attribute frequencies |
getMinimalTrain | Create a minimal training set |
getMinimalTrain-method | Create a minimal training set |
getMinimalTrain-methods | Create a minimal training set |
getPairs | Extract Record Pairs |
getPairs-method | Extract Record Pairs |
getPairs-methods | Extract Record Pairs |
getParetoThreshold | Estimate Threshold from Pareto Distribution |
getParetoThreshold-method | Estimate Threshold from Pareto Distribution |
getParetoThreshold-methods | Estimate Threshold from Pareto Distribution |
getTable | Build contingency table |
getTable-method | Build contingency table |
getTable-methods | Build contingency table |
gpdEst | Estimate Threshold from Pareto Distribution |
identity.RLdata10000 | Test data for Record Linkage |
identity.RLdata500 | Test data for Record Linkage |
isFALSE | Check for FALSE |
jaro | String Metrics |
jarowinkler | String Metrics |
levenshtein | String Metrics |
levenshteinDist | String Metrics |
levenshteinSim | String Metrics |
loadRLObject | Serialization of record linkage object. |
mygllm | Generalized Log-Linear Fitting |
optimalThreshold | Optimal Threshold for Record Linkage |
optimalThreshold-method | Optimal Threshold for Record Linkage |
optimalThreshold-methods | Optimal Threshold for Record Linkage |
phonetics | Phonetic Code |
print.summaryRLBigDataDedup | summary methods for '"RLBigData"' objects. |
print.summaryRLBigDataLinkage | summary methods for '"RLBigData"' objects. |
print.summaryRLResult | Summary method for '"RLResult"' objects. |
RecLinkClassif | Class "RecLinkClassif" |
RecLinkClassif-class | Class "RecLinkClassif" |
RecLinkData | Record Linkage Data Object |
RecLinkData-class | Class "RecLinkData" |
RecLinkData.object | Record Linkage Data Object |
RecLinkResult | Record Linkage Result Object |
RecLinkResult-class | Class "RecLinkResult" |
resample | Safe Sampling |
RLBigData-class | Class "RLBigData" |
RLBigDataDedup | Constructors for big data objects. |
RLBigDataDedup-class | Class "RLBigDataDedup" |
RLBigDataLinkage | Constructors for big data objects. |
RLBigDataLinkage-class | Class "RLBigDataLinkage" |
RLdata10000 | Test data for Record Linkage |
RLdata500 | Test data for Record Linkage |
RLResult-class | Class "RLResult" |
saveRLObject | Serialization of record linkage object. |
saveRLObject-method | Serialization of record linkage object. |
saveRLObject-methods | Serialization of record linkage object. |
show | Show a RLBigData object |
show-method | Show a RLBigData object |
soundex | Phonetic Code |
splitData | Split Data |
strcmp | String Metrics |
summary-method | Summary method for '"RLResult"' objects. |
summary.RecLinkData | Print Summary of Record Linkage Data |
summary.RecLinkResult | Print Summary of Record Linkage Data |
summary.RLBigData | summary methods for '"RLBigData"' objects. |
summary.RLBigDataDedup | summary methods for '"RLBigData"' objects. |
summary.RLBigDataLinkage | summary methods for '"RLBigData"' objects. |
summary.RLResult | Summary method for '"RLResult"' objects. |
trainSupv | Train a Classifier |
unorderedPairs | Create Unordered Pairs |
winkler | String Metrics |
%append% | Concatenate comparison patterns or classification results |
%append%-method | Concatenate comparison patterns or classification results |
%append%-methods | Concatenate comparison patterns or classification results |
[.RecLinkData | Subset operator for record linkage objects |
[.RecLinkResult | Subset operator for record linkage objects |
[.RLBigData | Subset operator for record linkage objects |
[.RLResult | Subset operator for record linkage objects |