emWeights {RecordLinkage}R Documentation

Calculate weights


Calculates weights for Record Linkage based on an EM algorithm.


  emWeights(rpairs, cutoff = 0.95, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'RecLinkData'
emWeights(rpairs, cutoff = 0.95, ...)

  ## S4 method for signature 'RLBigData'
emWeights(rpairs, cutoff = 0.95,
    verbose = TRUE, ...)



The record pairs for which to compute weights. See details.


Either a numeric value in the range [0,1] or a vector with the same length as the number of attributes in the data. Cutoff value for string comparator.


Logical. Whether to print progress messages.


Additional arguments passed to mygllm.


Since package version 0.3, this is a generic functions with methods for S3 objects of class RecLinkData as well as S4 objects of classes "RLBigDataDedup" and "RLBigDataLinkage".

The weight of a record pair is calculated by log2MU\log_{2}\frac{M}{U}, where MM and UU are estimated m- and u-probabilities for the present comparison pattern. If a string comparator is used, weights are first calculated based on a binary table where all comparison values greater or equal cutoff are set to one, all other to zero. The resulting weight is adjusted by adding for every pair log2(j:sjicutoff sji)\log_{2}\left(\prod_{j:s^{i}_{j}\geq \textit{cutoff }}s^{i}_{j}\right), where sjis^{i}_{j} is the value of the string metric for attribute j in data pair i.

The appropriate value of cutoff depends on the choice of string comparator. The default is adjusted to jarowinkler, a lower value (e.g. 0.7) is recommended for levenshteinSim.

Estimation of MM and UU is done by an EM algorithm, implemented by mygllm. For every comparison pattern, the estimated numbers of matches and non-matches are used to compute the corresponding probabilities. Estimations based on the average frequencies of values and given error rates are taken as initial values. In our experience, this increases stability and performance of the EM algorithm.

Some progress messages are printed to the message stream (see message if verbose == TRUE. This includes progress bars, but these are suppressed if output is diverted by sink to avoid cluttering the output file.


A copy of rpairs with the weights attached. See the class documentation (RecLinkData, "RLBigDataDedup" and "RLBigDataLinkage") on how weights are stored.

Side effects

The "RLBigData" method writes to a disk file containing a ffvector that contains the calculated weights. belonging to object


Andreas Borg, Murat Sariyar


William E. Winkler: Using the EM Algorithm for Weight Computation in the Fellegi-Sunter Model of Record Linkage, in: Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association 1988, pp. 667–671.

See Also

emClassify for classification of weighted pairs. epiWeights for a different approach for weight calculation.

[Package RecordLinkage version 0.4-12.4 Index]