Robust Kernel Unsupervised Methods

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Documentation for package ‘RKUM’ version

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gkm Kernel Matrix Using Guasian Kernel
gm3edc A helper function
gmedc A helper function
gmi A helper function
hadr Hampel's psi function
halfun A Hampel loss function
halofun Objective function
hudr Huber's psi function
hulfun A Huber loss function
hulofun Objective function
ibskm Kernel Matrix Using Identity-by-state Kernel
ifcca Influence Funciton of Canonical Correlation Analysis
ifmkcca Influence Function of Multiple Kernel Canonical Analysis
ifrkcca Influence Function of Robust Kernel Canonical Analysis
lcv A helper function
lkm Kernel Matrix Using Linear Kernel
mdbw Bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel
medc A helper function
mvnod A helper function
ranuf A helper function
rkcca Robust kernel canonical correlation analysis
rkcco Robust kernel cross-covariance opetator
rkcm Robsut Kernel Center Matrix
rlogit A helper fuction
snpfmridata An example of imaging genetics data to calcualte influential observations from two view data
snpfmrimth3D An example of imaging genetics and epi-genetics data to calcualte influential observations from three view data
udtd A helper function