RJSplot-package | Interactive graphs with R |
addCSS2report | Create a report web page. |
addHTML2report | Create a report web page. |
addImage2report | Create a report web page. |
addParagraph2report | Create a report web page. |
addPlot2report | Create a report web page. |
barplot_rjs | Produce interactive bar plot(s). |
boxplot_rjs | Produce interactive box-and-whisker plot(s). |
bubbles_rjs | Produce interactive bubble plots. |
circularfv_rjs | Pruduce a circular sequence viewer. |
createAssembly | Creates a genome assembly for 'genomemap_rjs' or 'manhattan_rjs'. |
dendrogram_rjs | Draw a Dendrogram. |
densityplot_rjs | Draw an interactive density plot. |
genomemap_rjs | Create an interative genome map. |
getAssemblyFromFasta | Create an assembly from a FASTA file for its use as parameter of 'genomemap_rjs' or 'manhattan_rjs'. |
GRCh37 | Length of human chromosomes based on GRCh37 assembly |
GRCh37.bands | Cytoband information based on GRCh37 |
GRCh38 | Length of human chromosomes based on GRCh38 assembly |
GRCh38.bands | Cytoband information based on GRCh38 |
heatmap_rjs | Produce an interactive heatmap. |
hiveplot_rjs | Produce interactive hive plot |
manhattan_rjs | Create an interactive manhattan plot |
NCBI36 | Length of human chromosomes based on NCBI36 assembly |
network_rjs | Produce interactive network graph |
newInput | Produce a 'newInput' object for 'R4web'. |
piechart_rjs | Produce interactive pie charts. |
R4web | Generate a PHP website which runs an R function. |
report_rjs | Create a report web page. |
RJSplot | Interactive graphs with R |
scatter3d_rjs | Produce and interactive 3D Scatter plot (XYZ plot). |
scatterplot_rjs | Produce and interactive Scatter plot (XY plot). |
surface3d_rjs | Produce and interactive 3D surface. |
symheatmap_rjs | Creates a Symetric Heatmap representation. |
tables_rjs | Produce interactive html tables. |
wordcloud_rjs | Draw a wordcloud. |