RHPCBenchmark-package |
RHPCBenchmark: A package for performance testing intrinsic R functionality and established packages relevant to high-performance computing |
CholeskyAllocator |
Allocates and initializes input to the Cholesky factorization dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
CholeskyMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the Cholesky factorization dense matrix kernel |
ClaraClusteringMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the cluster::clara function |
ClusteringAllocator |
Allocates and initializes input to the clustering for machine learning microbenchmarks |
ClusteringMicrobenchmark |
This class specifies a clustering for machine learning microbenchmark. |
ComputeAverageTime |
Computes the average of a vector of performance trial times |
ComputeStandardDeviation |
Computes the standard deviation of a vector of performance trial times |
CrossprodAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the matrix cross product dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
CrossprodMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix cross product dense matrix kernel |
DeformtransAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the matrix deformation and transpose dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
DeformtransMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix deformation and transpose dense matrix kernel |
DenseMatrixMicrobenchmark |
This class specifies a dense matrix microbenchmark. |
DeterminantAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the matrix determinant dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
DeterminantMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix determinant dense matrix kernel |
EigenAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the matrix eigendecomposition kernel microbenchmarks |
EigenMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix eigendecomposition dense matrix kernel |
GenerateClusterData |
Generates clusters from multivariate normal distributions |
GetClusteringDefaultMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of default clustering microbenchmarks |
GetClusteringExampleMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of example clustering microbenchmarks |
GetConfigurableEnvParameter |
Retrieves the value of an environment variable referenced by another environment variable |
GetDenseMatrixDefaultMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of default dense matrix microbenchmarks |
GetDenseMatrixExampleMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of example dense matrix microbenchmarks |
GetNumberOfThreads |
Retrieves the number of threads from the environment |
GetSparseCholeskyDefaultMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of default sparse Cholesky factorization microbenchmarks |
GetSparseCholeskyExampleMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of example sparse Cholesky factorization microbenchmarks |
GetSparseLuDefaultMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of default sparse LU factorization microbenchmarks |
GetSparseMatrixVectorDefaultMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of default sparse matrix-vector microbenchmarks |
GetSparseMatrixVectorExampleMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of example sparse matrix-vector microbenchmarks |
GetSparseQrDefaultMicrobenchmarks |
Initializes the list of default sparse QR factorization microbenchmarks |
LsfitAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the matrix least squares fit dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
LsfitMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix least squares fit dense matrix kernel |
MatmatAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the matrix-matrix multiplication dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
MatmatMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix-matrix multiplication dense matrix kernel |
MatvecAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the matrix-vector multiplication dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
MatvecMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix-vector multiplication dense matrix kernel |
MicrobenchmarkClusteringKernel |
Performs microbenchmarking of a clustering for machine learning kernel |
MicrobenchmarkDenseMatrixKernel |
Performs microbenchmarking of a dense matrix linear algebra kernel |
MicrobenchmarkSparseMatrixKernel |
Performs microbenchmarking of a sparse matrix linear algebra kernel |
PamClusteringMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the cluster::pam function |
PerformClusteringMicrobenchmarking |
Performs microbenchmarking of machine learning functions specified by an input list |
PerformSparseMatrixKernelMicrobenchmarking |
Performs microbenchmarking of sparse matrix kernels specified by an input list |
PrintClusteringMicrobenchmarkResults |
Prints results of a clustering for machine learning microbenchmark |
PrintDenseMatrixMicrobenchmarkResults |
Prints results of a dense matrix microbenchmark |
PrintSparseMatrixMicrobenchmarkResults |
Prints results of a sparse matrix microbenchmark |
QrAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the QR factorization dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
QrMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the QR factorization dense matrix kernel |
RHPCBenchmark |
RHPCBenchmark: A package for performance testing intrinsic R functionality and established packages relevant to high-performance computing |
RunDenseMatrixBenchmark |
Runs all of the dense matrix microbenchmarks |
RunMachineLearningBenchmark |
Runs all of the machine learning microbenchmarks |
RunSparseMatrixBenchmark |
Runs all of the sparse matrix microbenchmarks |
SolveAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the dense matrix kernel microbenchmark for computing the solution to a system of linear equations with multiple right-hand sides |
SolveMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the dense matrix kernel for computing the solution to a system of linear equations with multiple right-hand sides |
SparseCholeskyAllocator |
Allocates and initializes input to the Cholesky factorization sparse matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
SparseCholeskyMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the Cholesky factorization sparse matrix kernel |
SparseLuAllocator |
Allocates and initializes input to the LU factorization sparse matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
SparseLuMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the LU factorization sparse matrix kernel |
SparseMatrixMicrobenchmark |
This class specifies a sparse matrix microbenchmark. |
SparseMatrixVectorAllocator |
Allocates and initializes input to the matrix-vector multiplication sparse matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
SparseMatrixVectorMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix-vector multiplication sparse matrix kernel |
SparseQrAllocator |
Allocates and initializes input to the QR factorization sparse matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
SparseQrMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the QR factorization sparse matrix kernel |
SvdAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the singular value decomposition (SVD) dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
SvdMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the singular value decomposition (SVD) dense matrix kernel |
TransposeAllocator |
Allocates and populates input to the matrix transpose dense matrix kernel microbenchmarks |
TransposeMicrobenchmark |
Conducts a single performance trial with the matrix transpose dense matrix kernel |
WriteClusteringPerformanceResultsCsv |
Appends performance test results of a clustering microbenchmark to a file in CSV format |
WriteDenseMatrixPerformanceResultsCsv |
Appends dense matrix performance test results to a file in CSV format |
WriteSparseMatrixPerformanceResultsCsv |
Appends sparse matrix performance test results to a file in CSV format |