GetSparseCholeskyExampleMicrobenchmarks {RHPCBenchmark}R Documentation

Initializes the list of example sparse Cholesky factorization microbenchmarks


GetSparseCholeskyExampleMicrobenchmarks defines the example sparse Cholesky factorization microbenchmarks to be executed by the RunSparseMatrixBenchmark function. The current sparse Cholesky factorization microbenchmarks cover the following matrices:

  1. cholesky_ct20stif – Boeing structural matrix with 2600295 nonzeros

See the documentation for the SparseMatrixMicrobenchmark class for more details.




a list of SparseMatrixMicrobenchmark objects defining the microbenchmarks to be executed. The microbenchmark for the Cholesky factorization of the ct20stif matrix.

See Also

Other sparse matrix default microbenchmarks: GetSparseCholeskyDefaultMicrobenchmarks, GetSparseLuDefaultMicrobenchmarks, GetSparseMatrixVectorDefaultMicrobenchmarks, GetSparseMatrixVectorExampleMicrobenchmarks, GetSparseQrDefaultMicrobenchmarks

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