QTL Mapping and Hotspots Detection

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Documentation for package ‘QTLEMM’ version 1.5.3

Help Pages

D.make Generate D Matrix
EM.MIM EM Algorithm for QTL MIM
EM.MIM2 EM Algorithm for QTL MIM with Selective Genotyping
EM.MIMv EM Algorithm for QTL MIM with Asymptotic Variance-Covariance Matrix
EQF.permu EQF Permutation
EQF.plot EQF plot
IM.search QTL search by IM
IM.search2 QTL search by IM with Selective Genotyping
LOD.QTLdetect QTL Detect by LOD
LRTthre LRT Threshold
MIM.points QTL Short Distance Correction by MIM
MIM.points2 QTL Short Distance Correction by MIM with Selective Genotyping
MIM.search QTL search by MIM
MIM.search2 QTL search by MIM with Seletive Genotyping
progeny Progeny Simulation
Q.make Generate Q Matrix
Qhot QTL Hotspot