IM.search2 {QTLEMM}R Documentation

QTL search by IM with Selective Genotyping


Expectation-maximization algorithm for QTL interval mapping to search for possible positions of QTL in all chromosomes. It can handle genotype data which is selective genotyping.


  yu = NULL,
  sele.g = "n",
  tL = NULL,
  tR = NULL,
  method = "EM",
  type = "RI",
  D.matrix = NULL,
  ng = 2,
  cM = TRUE,
  speed = 1,
  crit = 10^-5,
  d.eff = FALSE,
  LRT.thre = TRUE,
  simu = 1000,
  alpha = 0.05,
  detect = TRUE,
  QTLdist = 15,
  plot.all = TRUE,
  plot.chr = TRUE,
  console = TRUE



matrix. A k*2 matrix contains the marker information, where the row dimension 'k' represents the number of markers in the chromosomes. The first column labels the chromosomes where the markers are located, and the second column labels the positions of markers (in morgan (M) or centimorgan (cM)). It's important to note that chromosomes and positions must be sorted in order.


matrix. A n*k matrix contains the genotypes of k markers for n individuals. The marker genotypes of P1 homozygote (MM), heterozygote (Mm), and P2 homozygote (mm) are coded as 2, 1, and 0, respectively, with NA indicating missing values.


vector. A vector that contains the phenotype values of individuals with genotypes.


vector. A vector that contains the phenotype values of individuals without genotypes.


character. Determines the type of data being analyzed: If sele.g="n", it considers the data as complete genotyping data. If sele.g="f", it treats the data as selective genotyping data and utilizes the proposed corrected frequency model (Lee 2014) for analysis; If sele.g="t", it considers the data as selective genotyping data and uses the truncated model (Lee 2014) for analysis; If sele.g="p", it treats the data as selective genotyping data and uses the population frequency-based model (Lee 2014) for analysis. Note that the 'yu' argument must be provided when sele.g="f" or "p".


numeric. The lower truncation point of phenotype value when sele.g="t". When sele.g="t" and tL=NULL, the 'yu' argument must be provided. In this case, the function will consider the minimum of 'yu' as the lower truncation point.


numeric. The upper truncation point of phenotype value when sele.g="t". When sele.g="t" and tR=NULL, the 'yu' argument must be provided. In this case, the function will consider the maximum of 'yu' as the upper truncation point.


character. When method="EM", it indicates that the interval mapping method by Lander and Botstein (1989) is used in the analysis. Conversely, when method="REG", it indicates that the approximate regression interval mapping method by Haley and Knott (1992) is used in the analysis.


character. The population type of the dataset. Includes backcross (type="BC"), advanced intercross population (type="AI"), and recombinant inbred population (type="RI"). The default value is "RI".


matrix. The design matrix of the IM model. If D.matrix=NULL, the design matrix will be constructed using Cockerham’s model: In BC population, it is a 2*1 matrix with values 0.5 and -0.5 for the additive effect; In RI or AI population, it is a 3*2 matrix. The first column consists of 1, 0, and -1 for the additive effect, and the second column consists of 0.5, -0.5, and 0.5 for the dominant effect.


integer. The generation number of the population type. For instance, in a BC1 population where type="BC", ng=1; in an AI F3 population where type="AI", ng=3.


logical. Specify the unit of marker position. If cM=TRUE, it denotes centimorgan; if cM=FALSE, it denotes morgan.


numeric. The walking speed of the QTL search (in cM).


numeric. The convergence criterion of EM algorithm. The E and M steps will iterate until a convergence criterion is met. It must be a value between 0 and 1.


logical. Specifies whether the dominant effect will be considered in the parameter estimation for AI or RI population.


logical or numeric. If set to TRUE, the LRT threshold will be computed based on the Gaussian stochastic process (Kao and Ho 2012). Alternatively, users can input a numerical value as the LRT threshold to evaluate the significance of QTL detection.


integer. Determines the number of simulation samples that will be used to compute the LRT (Likelihood Ratio Test) threshold using the Gaussian process. It must be a value between 50 and 10^8.


numeric. The type I error rate for the LRT threshold.


logical. Determines whether the significant QTL, whose LRT statistic is larger than the LRT threshold, will be displayed in the output dataset or not.


numeric. The minimum distance (in cM) among different linked significant QTL.


logical. When set to TRUE, it directs the function to output the profile of LRT statistics for the genome in one figure.


logical. When set to TRUE, it instructs the function to output the profile of LRT statistics for the chromosomes.


logical. Determines whether the process of the algorithm will be displayed in the R console or not.



The estimated effects and LRT statistics of all positions.


The LRT threshold value computed for the data using the Gaussian stochastic process (Kuo 2011; Kao and Ho 2012).


The positions, effects and LRT statistics of the detected QTL significant using the obtained LRT threshold value.


The model of selective genotyping data in this analyze.

Graphical outputs including LOD value and effect of each position.


KAO, C.-H. and Z.-B. ZENG 1997 General formulas for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates and the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix in QTL mapping when using the EM algorithm. Biometrics 53, 653-665. <doi: 10.2307/2533965.>

KAO, C.-H., Z.-B. ZENG and R. D. TEASDALE 1999 Multiple interval mapping for Quantitative Trait Loci. Genetics 152: 1203-1216. <doi: 10.1093/genetics/152.3.1203>

H.-I LEE, H.-A. HO and C.-H. KAO 2014 A new simple method for improving QTL mapping under selective genotyping. Genetics 198: 1685-1698. <doi: 10.1534/genetics.114.168385.>

KAO, C.-H. and H.-A. Ho 2012 A score-statistic approach for determining threshold values in QTL mapping. Frontiers in Bioscience. E4, 2670-2682. <doi: 10.2741/e582>

See Also



# load the example data
load(system.file("extdata", "exampledata.RDATA", package = "QTLEMM"))

# make the seletive genotyping data
ys <- y[y > quantile(y)[4] | y < quantile(y)[2]]
yu <- y[y >= quantile(y)[2] & y <= quantile(y)[4]]
geno.s <- geno[y > quantile(y)[4] | y < quantile(y)[2],]

# run and result
result <- IM.search2(marker, geno.s, ys, yu, sele.g = "f", type = "RI", ng = 2,
speed = 7, crit = 10^-3, LRT.thre = 10)

[Package QTLEMM version 2.1.0 Index]