Designing and Weighting Survey Samples

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Documentation for package ‘PracTools’ version 1.4.3

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BW2stagePPS Relvariance components for 2-stage sample
BW2stagePPSe Estimated relvariance components for 2-stage sample
BW2stageSRS Relvariance components for 2-stage sample
BW3stagePPS Relvariance components for 3-stage sample
BW3stagePPSe Estimated relvariance components for 3-stage sample
clusOpt2 Compute optimal sample sizes for a two-stage sample
clusOpt2fixedPSU Optimal number of sample elements per PSU in a two-stage sample when the sample of PSUs is fixed
clusOpt3 Compute optimal sample sizes for a three-stage sample
clusOpt3fixedPSU Compute optimal number of sample secondary sampling units (SSUs) and elements per SSU for a fixed set of primary sampling units (PSUs) in a three-stage sample
CompMOS Compute a composite measure of size for domain-based two-stage sampling
CVcalc2 Coefficient of variation of an estimated total in a 2-stage sample
CVcalc3 Coefficient of variation of an estimated total in a 3-stage sample
deff Design effects of various types
deffCR Chen-Rust design effect
deffH Henry design effect for _pps_ sampling and GREG estimation of totals
deffK Kish design effect
deffS Spencer design effect for an estimated total from a _pps_ sample
Domainy1y2 Domain data
dub Sample sizes for a double sampling design
gamEst Estimate variance model parameter gamma
gammaFit Iteratively estimate variance model parameter gamma
GeoDistMOS Split geographic PSUs based on a measure of size threshold
GeoDistPSU Form PSUs based on geographic distances
GeoMinMOS Check geographic PSUs to determine whether any are less than minimum measure of size threshold
HMT Generate an HMT population
hospital Hospital Data
labor Labor force population
MDarea.popA Maryland area population
mibrfss Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey
nAuditAttr Sample sizes for an attribute sample in an audit
nAuditMUS Sample sizes for a Monetary Unit Sample in an audit
nCont Compute a simple random sample size for an estimated mean
nContMoe Compute a simple random sample size for an estimated mean of a continuous variable based on margin of error
nContOpt Compute the sample size required to estimate the mean of a continuous variable by optimizing the numbers of take-alls and non-take-all units selected by probability sampling
nDep2sam Simple random sample size for difference in means
nDomain Compute a simple random sample size for an estimated mean or total for a domain
nhis National Health Interview Survey: Demographic variables
nhis.large National Health Interview Survey: Demographic and health variables
nhispart National Health Interview Survey data from 2003: socioeconomic variables
nLogOdds Calculate simple random sample size for estimating a proportion
nPPS Calculate the sample size for a probability proportional to size (PPS) sample
nProp Compute simple random sample size for estimating a proportion
nProp2sam Simple random sample size for difference in proportions
nPropMoe Simple random sample size for a proportion based on margin of error
NRadjClass Class-based nonresponse adjustments
NRFUopt Sample sizes for a nonresponse follow-up study
nWilson Calculate a simple random sample size for estimating a proportion
pclass Form nonresponse adjustment classes based on propensity scores
smho.N874 Survey of Mental Health Organizations Data
smho98 Survey of Mental Health Organizations Data
strAlloc Allocate a sample to strata
Test_Data_US Accounting data for some US cities with latitude and longitude of the city centroids
ThirdGrade Third grade population
unitVar Compute the unit (population) variance for a variable
wtdvar Compute weighted variance