unitVar {PracTools}R Documentation

Compute the unit (population) variance for a variable


Compute the unit (population) variance for a variable based on either a full population file or a sample from a finite population.


unitVar(pop.sw = NULL, w = NULL, p = NULL, y = NULL)



TRUE if the full population is input; FALSE if a sample is input


vector of sample weights if y is a sample; used only if pop.sw = FALSE


vector of 1-draw selection probabilities; optionally provided if pop.sw = TRUE


vector of values of an analysis variable; must be numeric


unitVar computes unit (population) variances of an analysis variable yy from either a population or a sample. S2 is the unweighted population variance, S2=iU(yiyˉU)2/(N1)S^2 = \sum_{i \in U}(y_i - \bar{y}_U)^2/(N-1) where UU is the universe of elements, NN is the population size, and yˉU\bar{y}_U is the population mean. If the input is a sample, S2 is estimated as S^2=(n/(n1))iswi(yiyˉw)2/(iswi)\hat{S}^2 = (n/(n-1))\sum_{i \in s} w_i(y_i - \bar{y}_w)^2/(\sum_{i \in s} w_i) where ss is the set of sample elements, nn is the sample size, and yˉw\bar{y}_w is the weighted sample mean.

V1 is a weighted population variance used in calculations for samples where elements are selected with varying probabilities. If the yy is a population vector, V1=Upi(yi/pitU)2V_1 = \sum_U p_i(y_i/p_i - t_U)^2 where pip_i is the 1-draw probability for element ii and tUt_U is the population total of yy. If yy is for a sample, V^1=s(yi/pin1kyk/pk)2/(n1)\hat{V}_1 = \sum_s (y_i/p_i - n^{-1}\sum_k y_k/p_k)^2 / (n-1) with pip_i computed as 1/(nwi)1/(n w_i).


A list with three or four components:


Describes whether output was computed from a full population or estimated from a sample.

Pop size N

Size of the population; included if y is for the full population.


Unit variance of y; if pop.sw = TRUE, S2 is computed from the full population; if pop.sw = FALSE, S2 is estimated from the sample using the w weights.


Population variance of y appropriate for a sample selected with varying probabilities; see Valliant, Dever, and Kreuter (VDK; 2018, sec. 3.4). If pop.sw = TRUE and p is provided, V1 is computed with equation (3.32) in VDK. If pop.sw = FALSE, V1 is estimated with equation (3.41) in VDK.


Richard Valliant


Valliant, R., Dever, J., Kreuter, F. (2018, chap. 3). Practical Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples, 2nd edition. New York: Springer.

See Also

nCont, nContMoe, nContOpt, nPPS


y <- smho.N874[,"EXPTOTAL"]
x <- smho.N874[, "BEDS"]
y <- y[x>0]
x <- x[x>0]
pik <- x/sum(x)
n <- 50
sam <- UPrandomsystematic(n * pik)
wts <- 1/(n*pik[sam==1])
unitVar(pop.sw = TRUE, w = NULL, p = pik, y=y)
unitVar(pop.sw = FALSE, w = wts, p = NULL, y=y[sam==1])

[Package PracTools version 1.5 Index]