Deciphering Biological Networks with Patterned Heterogeneous Measurements

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Documentation for package ‘Patterns’ version 1.4

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Patterns-package The Patterns Package
analyze_network Analysing the network
analyze_network-method Analysing the network
analyze_network-methods Analysing the network
as.omics_array Coerce a matrix into a omics_array object.
CascadeFinit Create initial F matrices for cascade networks inference.
CascadeFshape Create F matrices shaped for cascade networks inference.
CLL Expression data from healthy and malignant (chronic lymphocytic leukemia, CLL) human B-lymphocytes after B-cell receptor stimulation (GSE 39411 dataset)
clustExploration A function to explore a dataset and cluster its rows.
clustExploration-method A function to explore a dataset and cluster its rows.
clustExploration-methods A function to explore a dataset and cluster its rows.
clustInference A function to explore a dataset and cluster its rows.
clustInference-method A function to explore a dataset and cluster its rows.
clustInference-methods A function to explore a dataset and cluster its rows.
compare Some basic criteria of comparison between actual and inferred network.
compare-method Some basic criteria of comparison between actual and inferred network.
compare-methods Some basic criteria of comparison between actual and inferred network.
cutoff Choose the best cutoff
cutoff-method Choose the best cutoff
cutoff-methods Choose the best cutoff
dim Dimension of the data
dim-method Dimension of the data
dim-methods Dimension of the data
evolution See the evolution of the network with change of cutoff
evolution-method See the evolution of the network with change of cutoff
evolution-methods See the evolution of the network with change of cutoff
geneNeighborhood Find the neighborhood of a set of nodes.
geneNeighborhood-method Find the neighborhood of a set of nodes.
geneNeighborhood-methods Find the neighborhood of a set of nodes.
genePeakSelection Methods for selecting genes
genePeakSelection-method Methods for selecting genes
genePeakSelection-methods Methods for selecting genes
geneSelection Methods for selecting genes
geneSelection-method Methods for selecting genes
geneSelection-methods Methods for selecting genes
gene_expr_simulation Simulates omicsarray data based on a given network.
gene_expr_simulation-method Simulates omicsarray data based on a given network.
gene_expr_simulation-methods Simulates omicsarray data based on a given network.
head-method Overview of a omics_array object
head-methods Overview of a omics_array object
IndicFinit Create initial F matrices using specific intergroup actions for network inference.
IndicFshape Create F matrices using specific intergroup actions for network inference.
inference Reverse-engineer the network
inference-method Reverse-engineer the network
inference-methods Reverse-engineer the network
infos Details on some probesets of the affy_hg_u133_plus_2 platform.
M Simulated microarray.
methods Overview of a omics_array object
Net Simulated network for examples.
network A example of an inferred network (4 groups case).
network2gp A example of an inferred cascade network (2 groups case).
networkCascade A example of an inferred cascade network (4 groups case).
network_random Generates a network.
Net_inf_PL Reverse-engineered network of the M and Net simulated data.
omics_array-class Class '"omics_array"'
omics_network-class Class '"omics_network"'
omics_predict-class Class '"omics_predict"'
Patterns The Patterns Package
plot-method Plot
plot-methods Plot
plotF Plot functions for the F matrices.
position Returns the position of edges in the network
position-method Returns the position of edges in the network
position-methods Returns the position of edges in the network
predict Methods for Function 'predict'
predict-method Methods for Function 'predict'
predict-methods Methods for Function 'predict'
probeMerge Function to merge probesets
probeMerge-method Function to merge probesets
replaceBand Replace matrix values by band.
replaceDown Replace matrix values triangular lower part and by band for the upper part.
replaceUp Replace matrix values triangular upper part and by band for the lower part.
Selection Selection of genes.
show-method 'Show' methods
show-methods 'Show' methods
summary-method 'Summary' methods
summary-methods 'Summary' methods
unionOmics Makes the union between two omics_array objects.
unionOmics-method Makes the union between two omics_array objects.
unionOmics-methods Makes the union between two omics_array objects.
unsupervised_clustering Cluster a omics_array object: performs the clustering.
unsupervised_clustering-method Cluster a omics_array object: performs the clustering.
unsupervised_clustering_auto_m_c Cluster a omics_array object: determine optimal fuzzification parameter and number of clusters.
unsupervised_clustering_auto_m_c-method Cluster a omics_array object: determine optimal fuzzification parameter and number of clusters.