Onomastic Diversity Measures

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Documentation for package ‘OnomasticDiversity’ version 0.1

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OnomasticDiversity-package Onomastic Diversity Measures
fCressieRead Cressie and Read
fGeneralisedMean Calculate the Generalised Mean
fGeometricMean Calculate the Geometric Mean
fHeip Calculate the Heip's diversity index
fHill Calculate the Hill's diversity numbers
fIsonymy Calculate the Isonymy within a region
fIsonymyAll Calculate the Isonymy, Isonymy between regions, Lasker distances, Euclidean distance and Nei's distances
fMargalef Calculate the Margalef's diversity index
fMenhinick Calculate the Menhinick's diversity index
fPielou Calculate the Pielou's diversity index
fShannon Calculate the Shannon-Weaver diversity index
fSheldon Calculate the Sheldon's diversity index
fSimpson Calculate the Simpson's diversity index
fSimpsonInf Calculate the Simpson's diversity index and the inverse
namesmengal16 namesmengal16 data
nameswomengal16 nameswomengal16 data
OnomasticDiversity Onomastic Diversity Measures
surnamesgal14 surnamesgal14 data