OnomasticDiversity-package {OnomasticDiversity}R Documentation

Onomastic Diversity Measures


Different measures which can be used to quantify similarities between regions. These measures are isonymy, isonymy between, Lasker distance, coefficients of Hedrick and Nei. In addition, it calculates biodiversity indices such as Margalef, Menhinick, Simpson, Shannon, Shannon-Wiener, Sheldon, Heip, Hill Numbers, Geometric Mean and Cressie and Read statistics.



Package: OnomasticDiversity
Type: Package
Title: Onomastic Diversity Measures
Version: 0.1
Date: 2024-02-07
Authors@R: c(person("Maria Jose", "Ginzo Villamayor", role = c("aut", "cre"),email="mariajose.ginzo@usc.es"))
Author: Maria Jose Ginzo Villamayor [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Maria Jose Ginzo Villamayor <mariajose.ginzo@usc.es>
Depends: R(>= 4.2.0)
Imports: sqldf
Description: Different measures which can be used to quantify similarities between regions. These measures are isonymy, isonymy between, Lasker distance, coefficients of Hedrick and Nei. In addition, it calculates biodiversity indices such as Margalef, Menhinick, Simpson, Shannon, Shannon-Wiener, Sheldon, Heip, Hill Numbers, Geometric Mean and Cressie and Read statistics.
License: GPL-2
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2024-02-07 11:46:22 UTC;
Repository: CRAN
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3

Index of help topics:

                        Onomastic Diversity Measures
fCressieRead            Cressie and Read
fGeneralisedMean        Calculate the Generalised Mean
fGeometricMean          Calculate the Geometric Mean
fHeip                   Calculate the Heip's diversity index
fHill                   Calculate the Hill's diversity numbers
fIsonymy                Calculate the Isonymy within a region
fIsonymyAll             Calculate the Isonymy, Isonymy between regions,
                        Lasker distances, Euclidean distance and Nei's
fMargalef               Calculate the Margalef's diversity index
fMenhinick              Calculate the Menhinick's diversity index
fPielou                 Calculate the Pielou's diversity index
fShannon                Calculate the Shannon-Weaver diversity index
fSheldon                Calculate the Sheldon's diversity index
fSimpson                Calculate the Simpson's diversity index
fSimpsonInf             Calculate the Simpson's diversity index and the
namesmengal16           namesmengal16 data
nameswomengal16         nameswomengal16 data
surnamesgal14           surnamesgal14 data

This package computes the different measures which can be used to quantify similarities between regions. These measures are isonymy, isonymy between, Lasker distance, coefficients of Hedrick and Nei. A diversity index is a numerical measure of how many different types (such as species) are present in a dataset (a community), as well as the evolutionary relationships among the individuals distributed throughout those types, such as richness, divergence, and evenness. These indicators are numerical representations of biodiversity in several dimensions (richness, evenness, and dominance). Then, this package calculates biodiversity indices such as Margalef, Menhinick, Simpson, Shannon, Shannon-Wiener Sheldon, Heip, Hill Numbers, Geometric Mean and Cressie and Read statistics.


Maria Jose Ginzo Villamayor [aut, cre]

Maintainer: Maria Jose Ginzo Villamayor <mariajose.ginzo@usc.es>


Buckland, S.T., Studeny, A.C., Magurran, A.E., Illian, J.B., & Newson, S.E. (2011). The geometric mean of relative abundance indices: a biodiversity measure with a difference. Ecosphere, 2(9), art.100. <https://doi.org/10.1890/ES11-00186.1>

Cressie, Noel and Read, Timothy RC (1984) Multinomial goodness-of-fit tests. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 46(3), 440–464. <http://www.jstor.org/stable/2345686>

Sheldon, A. L. (1969). Equitability indices: dependence on the species count. Ecology, 50, 466–467. <https://doi.org/10.2307/1933900>

Simpson (1949) Measurement of diversity. Nature, 163. <https://doi.org/10.1038/163688a0>

Studeny, A.C. (2012). Quantifying Biodiversity Trends in Time and Space. PhD thesis, University of St Andrews. <https://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10023/3414/AngelikaStudenyPhDThesis.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y>

van Strien, A.J., Soldaat, L.L., & Gregory, R.D. (2012). Desirable mathematical properties of indicators for biodiversity change. Ecological Indicators, 14, 202–208. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.07.007>

See Also

fCressieRead, fGeneralisedMean, fGeometricMean, fHeip, fHill, fIsonymy, fIsonymyAll, fMargalef, fMenhinick, fPielou, fShannon, fSheldon, fSimpson, fSimpsonInf, fGeneralisedMean, fHeip

[Package OnomasticDiversity version 0.1 Index]