Data Fusion using Optimal Transportation Theory

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Documentation for package ‘OTrecod’ version 0.1.2

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api29 Student performance in California schools: the results of the county 29
api35 Student performance in California schools: the results of the county 35
avg_dist_closest avg_dist_closest()
compare_lists compare_lists()
error_group error_group()
ham ham()
imput_cov imput_cov()
indiv_grp_closest indiv_grp_closest()
indiv_grp_optimal indiv_grp_optimal()
merge_dbs merge_dbs()
ncds_14 National Child Development Study: a sample of the first four waves of data collection
ncds_5 National Child Development Study: a sample of the fifth wave of data collection
OT OT_outcome()
OT_joint OT_joint()
OT_outcome OT_outcome()
ot_outcome OT_outcome()
power_set power_set()
proxim_dist proxim_dist()
select_pred select_pred()
simu_data A simulated dataset to test the functions of the OTrecod package
tab_test A simulated dataset to test the library
transfo_dist transfo_dist()
transfo_quali transfo_quali()
transfo_target transfo_target()
verif_OT verif_OT()