avg_dist_closest {OTrecod}R Documentation



This function computes average distances between levels of two categorical variables located in two distinct databases.


avg_dist_closest(proxim, percent_closest = 1)



a proxim_dist object


a ratio between 0 and 1 corresponding to the desired part of rows (or statistical units, or individuals) that will participate to the computation of the average distances between levels of factors or between an individual (a row) and levels of only one factor. Indeed, target variables are factors and each level of factor is characterized by a subset of rows, themselves characterized by their covariate profiles. These rows can be ordered according to their distances at their factor level. When this ratio is set to 1 (default setting), all rows participate to the computation, nevertheless when this ratio is less than 1, only rows with the smallest factor level distances will be kept for the computation (see 'Details').


The function avg_dist_closest is an intermediate function for the implementation of original algorithms dedicated to the solving of recoding problems in data fusion using Optimal Transportation theory (for more details, consult the corresponding algorithms called OUTCOME, R_OUTCOME, JOINT and R_JOINT, in the reference (2)). The function avg_dist_closest is so directly implemented in the OT_outcome and OT_joint functions but can also be used separately. The function avg_dist_closest uses, in particular, the distance matrix D (that stores distances between rows of A and B) from the function proxim_dist to produce three distinct matrices saved in a list object. Therefore, the function requires in input, the specific output of the function proxim_dist which is available in the package and so must be used beforehand. In consequence, do not use this function directly on your database, and do not hesitate to consult the provided examples provided for a better understanding.


Assuming that A and B are two databases with a set of shared variables and that a same information (referred to a same target population) is stored as a variable YY in A and ZZ in B, such that YY is unknown in B and ZZ is unknown in A, whose encoding depends on the database (nYn_Y levels in A and nZn_Z levels in B). A distance between one given level y of YY and one given level z of ZZ is estimated by averaging the distances between the two subsets of individuals (units or rows) assigned to y in A and z in B, characterized by their vectors of covariates. The distance between two individuals depends on the variations between the shared covariates, and so depends on the chosen distance function using the function proxim_dist. For these computations, all the individuals concerned by these two levels can be taken into account, or only a part of them, depending on the argument percent_closest. When percent_closest < 1, the average distance between an individual ii and a given level of factor z only uses the corresponding part of individuals related to z that are the closest to ii. Therefore, this choice influences the estimations of average distances between levels of factors but also permits to reduce time computation when necessary.

The average distance between each individual of YY (resp. ZZ) and each levels of ZZ (resp. YY) are returned in output, in the object DindivA (DindivB respectively). The average distance between each levels of YY and each levels of ZZ are returned in a matrix saved in output (the object Davg). Davg returns the computation of the cost matrix D, whose dimensions (nY×nZn_Y \times n_Z) correspond to the number of levels of YY (rows) and ZZ (columns). This matrix can be seen as the ability for an individual (row) to move from a given level of the target variable (YY) in A to a given level of ZZ in the database B (or vice versa).


A list of 3 matrices is returned:


the cost matrix whose number of rows corresponds to nYn_Y, the number of levels of the target variable YY in the database A, and whose number of columns corresponds to nZn_Z: the number of levels of the target variable in B. In this case, the related cost matrix can be interpreted as the ability to move from one level of YY in A to one level of ZZ in B. Davg[P,Q] refers to the average distance between the modality P of YY (only known in A) and modality QQ of ZZ (only known in B).


a matrix whose number of rows corresponds to the number of rows of the first database A and number of columns corresponds to nZn_Z, the number of levels of the target variable ZZ in the second database B. DindivA[i,Q] refers to the average distance between the ithi^{th} individual (or row) of the first database and a chosen proportion of individuals (percent_closest set by the user) of the second database having the modality QQ of ZZ.


a matrix whose number of rows corresponds to the number of rows of the second database B and number of columns corresponds to nA, the number of levels of the target variable in the first database A. DindivB[k,P] refers to the average distance between the kthk^{th} individual (or row) of the second database and a chosen proportion of individuals (depending on percent_closest) of the first database having the modality P of YY.


Gregory Guernec, Valerie Gares, Jeremy Omer



  1. Gares V, Dimeglio C, Guernec G, Fantin F, Lepage B, Korosok MR, savy N (2019). On the use of optimal transportation theory to recode variables and application to database merging. The International Journal of Biostatistics. Volume 16, Issue 1, 20180106, eISSN 1557-4679. doi:10.1515/ijb-2018-0106

  2. Gares V, Omer J (2020) Regularized optimal transport of covariates and outcomes in data recoding. Journal of the American Statistical Association. doi: 10.1080/01621459.2020.1775615

See Also



### The covariates of the data are prepared according to the distance chosen
### using the transfo_dist function

### Example with The Manhattan distance

man1 <- transfo_dist(simu_data,
  quanti = c(3, 8), nominal = c(1, 4:5, 7),
  ordinal = c(2, 6), logic = NULL, prep_choice = "M"
mat_man1 <- proxim_dist(man1, norm = "M")

# proxim_dist() fixes the chosen distance function,
# and defines neighborhoods between profiles and individuals

# The following row uses only 80 percents of individuals of each level
# of factors for the computation of the average distances:

neig_man1 <- avg_dist_closest(mat_man1, percent_closest = 0.80)

[Package OTrecod version 0.1.2 Index]