NHPoisson-package |
Statistical modelling of non homogeneous Poisson processes |
addAIC.fun |
Calculate the AIC for all one-covariate additions to the current model |
BarTxTn |
Barcelona temperature data |
buscar |
Generate the occurrence points of a NHPP |
CalcRes.fun |
Calculate NHPP residuals on overlapping intervals |
CalcResD.fun |
Calculate NHPP residuals on disjoint intervals |
checkdim |
Choose the best PP model by AIC in a stepwise algorithm |
CIdelta.fun |
Confidence intervals for lambda(t) using delta method |
CItran.fun |
Confidence intervals for lambda(t) based on transformation |
confintAsin.fun |
Compute confidence intervals for the beta parameters |
dropAIC.fun |
Calculate the AIC for all one-covariate deletions from the current model |
emplambda.fun |
Empirical occurrence rates of a NHPP on overlapping intervals |
emplambdaD.fun |
Empirical occurrence rates of a NHPP on disjoint intervals |
extractAIC-method |
Method 'mle' for Function 'extractAIC' |
extractAIC-methods |
Method 'mle' for Function 'extractAIC' |
fitPP.fun |
Fit a non homogeneous Poisson Process |
funSim.fun |
Calculation of simulated envelopes |
GenEnv.fun |
Calculation of simulated envelopes |
globalval.fun |
Perform a global validation analysis for a NHPP |
graphrate.fun |
Plot fitted and empirical PP occurrence rates |
graphres.fun |
Plot NHPP residuals versus time or monotonous variables |
graphResCov.fun |
Perform lurking variable plots for a set of variables |
graphresU.fun |
Validation analysis of PP uniform (generalized) residuals |
graphResX.fun |
Perform a lurking variable plot |
LRTpv.fun |
Calculate the p-value of a likelihood ratio test for each covariate in the model |
mlePP-class |
Class '"mlePP"' for results of maximum likelihood estimation of Poisson processes with covariates |
NHPoisson |
Statistical modelling of non homogeneous Poisson processes |
posk.fun |
Calculation of simulated envelopes |
POTevents.fun |
Calculate extreme events using a POT approach |
profile-method |
Method 'mlePP' for Function 'profile' |
profile-methods |
Method 'mlePP' for Function 'profile' |
resQQplot.fun |
Perform a qqplot for the residuals of a NHPP |
resSim.fun |
Perform a qqplot for the residuals of a NHPP |
simNHP.fun |
Generate the occurrence points of a NHPP |
stepAICmle.fun |
Choose the best PP model by AIC in a stepwise algorithm |
testlik.fun |
Likelihood ratio test to compare two nested models |
transfH.fun |
Transform a NHPP into a HPP |
unifres.fun |
Calculate exponential and uniform (generalized) residuals of a HPP |
VARbeta.fun |
Calculate the covariance matrix of the \hat beta vector. |