BarTxTn {NHPoisson} | R Documentation |
Barcelona temperature data
Barcelona daily temperature series during the summer months (May, June, July, August and September) from 1951 to 2004.
dia: Postion of the day in the year, from 121 (1st of May) to 253 (30th of September).
mes: Month of the year, from 5 to 9.
ano: Year, from 1951 to 2004.
diames: Position of the day in the month, from 1 to 30 or 31.
Tx: Daily maximum temperature.
Tn: Daily minimum temperature.
Txm31: Local maximum temperature signal. Lowess of Tx with a centered window of 31 days.
Txm15: Local maximum temperature signal. Lowess of Tx with a centered window of 15 days.
Tnm31: Local minimum temperature signal. Lowess of Tn with a centered window of 31 days.
Tnm15: Local minimum temperature signal. Lowess of Tn with a centered window of 15 days.
TTx: Long term maximum temperature signal. Lowess of Tx with a centered 40% window.
TTn: Long term minimum temperature signal. Lowess of Tn with a centered 40% window.
Cebrian, A.C., Abaurrea, J. and Asin, J. (2015). NHPoisson: An R Package for Fitting and Validating Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes. Journal of Statistical Software, 64(6), 1-24.