CommutatorIndx |
Commutator Index |
CommutatorMatr |
Commutator Matrix |
Cum2Mom |
Convert cumulants to moments (univariate and multivariate) |
EliminIndx |
Distinct values selection vector |
EliminMatr |
Elimination Matrix |
EVSKSkewNorm |
EVSK multivariate Skew Normal |
EVSK of the Uniform distribution on the sphere or its modulus |
HermiteCoeff |
Coefficients of Hermite polynomials |
HermiteCov12 |
Covariance matrix for multivariate T-Hermite polynomials |
HermiteN |
Hermite Polynomials (Univariate and Multivariate) |
HermiteN2X |
Inverse Hermite Polynomial |
Mom2Cum |
Convert moments to cumulants (univariate and multivariate) |
Moments and cumulants CFUSN |
MomCumSkewNorm |
Moments and cumulants d-variate Skew Normal |
MomCumUniS |
Moments and cumulants Uniform Distribution on the Sphere |
MomCumZabs |
Moments and Cumulants of the Central Folded Normal Distribution |
MVStandardize |
Standardize multivariate data |
Partitions |
General Partition Function |
PartitionTypeAll |
Partitions, type and number of partitions |
PermutationInv |
Inverse of a Permutation |
QplicIndx |
Qplication vector |
QplicMatr |
Qplication Matrix |
Random multivariate CFUSN |
Random multivariate CFUSSD |
rSkewNorm |
Random Multivariate Skew Normal |
rUniS |
Random Uniform on the sphere |
SampleEVSK |
Estimation of multivariate Mean, Variance, T-Skewness and T-Kurtosis vectors |
SampleGC |
Gram-Charlier approximation to a multivariate density |
SampleHermiteN |
Estimate the N-th d-variate Hermite polynomial |
SampleKurt |
Estimation of Sample Kurtosis (Mardia, MRSz, Total) |
SampleMomCum |
Estimation of multivariate T-Moments and T-Cumulants |
SampleSkew |
Estimation of Sample Skewness (Mardia, MRSz) |
SampleVarianceSkewKurt |
Estimated Variance of skewness and kurtosis vectors |
SymIndx |
Symmetrizing vector |
SymMatr |
Symmetrizer Matrix |
UnivMomCum |
Univariate moments and cumulants from T-vectors |
VarianceKurt |
Asymptotic Variance of the estimated kurtosis vector |
VarianceSkew |
Asymptotic Variance of the estimated skewness vector |