Estimate Migratory Connectivity for Migratory Animals

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Documentation for package ‘MigConnectivity’ version 0.4.7

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abundExamples Example relative abundance estimates from simulated data
calcMantel Calculate Mantel correlation (rM) from points and/or distances.
calcMC Migratory connectivity strength function
calcPsi Calculate psi (transition probabilities between sites in two phases of the annual cycle)
calcStrength Migratory connectivity strength function
calcTransition Calculate psi (transition probabilities between sites in two phases of the annual cycle)
diffCorr Pairwise differences between two or more independent Mantel correlation estimates
diffMantel Pairwise differences between two or more independent Mantel correlation estimates
diffMC Pairwise differences between two or more independent MC estimates
diffStrength Pairwise differences between two or more independent MC estimates
distFromPos Distance matrix from position matrix
estCorr Estimate Mantel correlation (rM) from geolocator, GPS, and/or raster data.
estMantel Estimate Mantel correlation (rM) from geolocator, GPS, and/or raster data.
estMC Estimate migratory connectivity
estPsi Estimate psi (transition probabilities between locations in two phases of the annual cycle)
estStrength Estimate MC, migratory connectivity strength
estTransition Estimate psi (transition probabilities between locations in two phases of the annual cycle)
getCMRexample Grab (from example RMark transition probability estimates obtained from simulated data
getIsoMap Get Isoscape map getIsoMap
isoAssign Generate probabilistic isotope assignments
MigConnectivity MigConnectivity: A package for quantifying migratory connectivity pattern and strength for migratory animals
modelCountDataJAGS Estimates population-level relative abundance from count data
OVENdata Ovenbird light-level geolocator and GPS necessary data
plot.estMigConnectivity Basic plot function for estMigConnectivity objects
plot.intrinsicAssign Basic plot function for the different isoAssign outputs
projections Map projections
reversePi Reverse transition probabilities and origin relative abundance
reversePsiRelAbund Reverse transition probabilities and origin relative abundance
reverseTransition Reverse transition probabilities and origin relative abundance
reverseTransitionRelAbund Reverse transition probabilities and origin relative abundance
sampleOriginDist Example origin and target site positions and distances on a 2-D plane
sampleOriginN Example origin site abundances and relative abundances
sampleOriginPos Example origin and target site positions and distances on a 2-D plane
sampleOriginRelN Example origin site abundances and relative abundances
samplePsis Example transition probabilities (psis) between origin and target sites
sampleTargetDist Example origin and target site positions and distances on a 2-D plane
sampleTargetPos Example origin and target site positions and distances on a 2-D plane
simCMRData Simulate capture-mark-reencounter (CMR) migratory movement data
simCountData Simulates Breeding Bird Survey-style count data
simGLData Simulate geolocator (GL) migratory movement data
simMove Simulates position of birds by individual, season, year, and month.
simProbData Simulate Dirichlet-based probability table data
simTelemetryData Simulate telemetry/GPS data
weightAssign Calculate Weights for Isotope Assignments weightAssign