estMC {MigConnectivity} | R Documentation |
Estimate migratory connectivity
Resampling of uncertainty for migratory connectivity strength (MC)
and transition probabilities (psi) from RMark psi matrix estimates or
samples of psi and/or JAGS
relative abundance MCMC samples OR SpatialPoints geolocators and/or GPS
data OR intrinsic markers such as isotopes. NOTE: active development of this
function is ending. We suggest users estimate psi with
, MC with estStrength
, and Mantel
correlations (rM) with estMantel
targetDist = NULL,
psi = NULL,
sampleSize = NULL,
originSites = NULL,
targetSites = NULL,
originPoints = NULL,
targetPoints = NULL,
originAssignment = NULL,
targetAssignment = NULL,
originNames = NULL,
targetNames = NULL,
nSamples = 1000,
nSim = ifelse(isTRUE(isIntrinsic), 10, 1000),
geoBias = NULL,
geoVCov = NULL,
row0 = 0,
verbose = 0,
calcCorr = FALSE,
alpha = 0.05,
approxSigTest = FALSE,
sigConst = 0,
resampleProjection = "ESRI:102010",
maxTries = 300,
targetIntrinsic = NULL,
isIntrinsic = FALSE,
maintainLegacyOutput = FALSE
originDist |
Distances between the B origin sites. Symmetric B by B matrix |
targetDist |
Distances between the W target sites. Symmetric W by W matrix. Optional for intrinsic data |
originRelAbund |
Relative abundance estimates at B origin sites. Either
a numeric vector of length B that sums to 1 or an mcmc object with
psi |
Transition probabilities between B origin and W target sites. Either a matrix with B rows and W columns where rows sum to 1, an array with dimensions x, B, and W (with x samples of the transition probability matrix from another model), or a MARK object with estimates of transition probabilities. If you are estimating MC from GPS, geolocator, or intrinsic data, leave this as NULL |
sampleSize |
Total sample size of animals that psi will be estimated from. Should be the number of animals released in one of the origin sites and observed in one of the target sites. Optional, but recommended, unless you are estimating MC from GPS, geolocator, intrinsic, or direct band return data (in which case the function can calculate it for you) |
originSites |
If |
targetSites |
If |
originPoints |
A |
targetPoints |
For GL or GPS data, a |
originAssignment |
Assignment of |
targetAssignment |
Optional. Point estimate assignment of
originNames |
Optional but recommended. Vector of names for the release season sites |
targetNames |
Optional but recommended. Vector of names for the non-release season sites |
nSamples |
Number of times to resample |
nSim |
Tuning parameter for GL or intrinsic data. Affects only the speed; 1000 seems to work well with our GL data and 10 for our intrinsic data, but your results may vary. Should be integer > 0 |
isGL |
Indicates whether or which animals were tracked with geolocators.
Should be either single TRUE or FALSE value, or vector with length of
number of animals tracked, with TRUE for animals in
geoBias |
For GL data, vector of length 2 indicating expected bias
in longitude and latitude of |
geoVCov |
For GL data, 2x2 matrix with expected variance/covariance
in longitude and latitude of |
row0 |
If |
verbose |
0 (default) to 3. 0 prints no output during run. 1 prints a line every 100 samples or bootstraps and a summary every 10. 2 prints a line and summary every sample or bootstrap. 3 also prints the number of draws (for tuning nSim for GL/intrinsic data only) |
calcCorr |
In addition to MC, should function also estimate Mantel correlation between release and non-release locations (GPS or GL data only)? Default is FALSE |
alpha |
Level for confidence/credible intervals provided |
approxSigTest |
Should function compute approximate one-sided significance tests (p-values) for MC from the bootstrap? Default is FALSE |
sigConst |
Value to compare MC to in significance test. Default is 0 |
resampleProjection |
Projection when sampling from geolocator
bias/error. This projection needs units = m. Default is Equidistant
Conic. The default setting preserves distances around latitude = 0 and
longitude = 0. Other projections may work well, depending on the location
of |
maxTries |
Maximum number of times to run a single GL/intrinsic bootstrap before exiting with an error. Default is 300. Set to NULL to never stop. This parameter was added to prevent GL setups where some sample points never land on target sites from running indefinitely |
targetIntrinsic |
For intrinsic tracking data, the results of
isIntrinsic |
Logical indicating whether the animals are tracked via intrinsic marker (e.g. isotopes) or not. Currently estMC will only estimate connectivity for all intrinsically marked animals or all extrinsic (e.g., bands, GL, or GPS), so isIntrinsic should be a single TRUE or FALSE |
maintainLegacyOutput |
version 0.4.0 of |
NOTE: Starting with version 0.4.0 of MigConnectivity
, we've
updated the structure of MigConnectivityEstimate
objects. Below we
describe the updated structure. If parameter maintainLegacyOutput
set to TRUE, the list will start with the old structure: sampleMC
, pointPsi
, pointMC
, meanMC
, seMC
, simpleCI
, bcCI
, hpdCI
, bcP
, sampleCorr
, pointCorr
meanCorr, medianCorr, seCorr, simpleCICorr, bcCICorr
, alpha
, and sigConst
returns a list with the elements:
List containing estimates of transition probabilities:
Array of sampled values for psi.nSamples
x [number of origin sites] x [number of target sites]. Provided to allow the user to compute own summary statistics.mean
Main estimate of psi matrix. [number of origin sites] x [number of target sites].se
Standard error of psi, estimated from SD ofpsi$sample
1 - alpha
confidence interval for psi, estimated asalpha/2
and1 - alpha/2
quantiles ofpsi$sample
Bias-corrected1 - alpha
confidence interval for psi. Preferable tosimpleCI
is the best estimate of psi.simpleCI
is preferred whenmedian
is a better estimator. WhenmeanMC==medianMC
, these should be identical. Estimated as thepnorm(2 * z0 + qnorm(alpha / 2))
andpnorm(2 * z0 + qnorm(1 - alpha / 2))
quantiles ofsample
, where z0 is the proportion ofsample < mean
Median estimate of psi matrix.point
Simple point estimate of psi matrix, not accounting for sampling error. NULL whenisIntrinsic == TRUE
List containing estimates of migratory connectivity strength:
sampled values for MC. Provided to allow the user to compute own summary statistics.mean
Mean ofMC$sample
. Main estimate of MC, incorporating parametric
Standard error of MC, estimated from SD ofMC$sample
Default1 - alpha
confidence interval for MC, estimated asalpha/2
and1 - alpha/2
quantiles ofMC$sample
Bias-corrected1 - alpha
confidence interval for MC. Preferable toMC$simpleCI
is the best estimate of MC.MC$simpleCI
is preferred whenMC$median
is a better estimator. WhenMC$mean==MC$median
, these should be identical. Estimated as thepnorm(2 * z0 + qnorm(alpha / 2))
andpnorm(2 * z0 + qnorm(1 - alpha / 2))
quantiles ofMC$sample
, where z0 is the proportion ofMC$sample < MC$mean
1 - alpha
credible interval for MC, estimated using the highest posterior density (HPD) method.median
Median of MC, alternate estimator also including parametric uncertainty.point
Simple point estimate of MC, using the point estimates ofpsi
, not accounting for sampling error. NULL whenisIntrinsic == TRUE
Approximate p-value for MC, estimated as the proportion of bootstrap iterations where MC <sigConst
(or MC >sigConst
ifpointMC < sigConst
). Note that if the proportion is 0, a default value of 0.5 /nSamples
is provided, but this is best interpreted as p < 1 /nSamples
. NULL whenapproxSigTest==FALSE
Approximate bias-corrected p-value for MC, estimated aspnorm(qnorm(simpleP) - 2 * z0)
, where z0 is the proportion ofsampleMC < meanMC
. May be a better approximation of the p-value thansimpleP
, but many of the same limitations apply. NULL whenapproxSigTest==FALSE
List containing estimates of rM, an alternate measure of migratory connectivity strength. NULL when
sampled values for continuous correlation. Provided to allow the user to compute own summary statistics.mean, se, simpleCI, bcCI, median, point
Summary statistics for continuous correlation bootstraps.
List containing the inputs to
, or at least the relevant ones, such as sampleSize.
Cohen, E. B., J. A. Hostetler, M. T. Hallworth, C. S. Rushing, T. S. Sillett, and P. P. Marra. 2018. Quantifying the strength of migratory connectivity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 513 - 524. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12916
Cohen, E. B., C. S. Rushing, F. R. Moore, M. T. Hallworth, J. A. Hostetler, M. Gutierrez Ramirez, and P. P. Marra. 2019. The strength of migratory connectivity for birds en route to breeding through the Gulf of Mexico. Ecography 42: 658–669. doi:10.1111/ecog.03974
See Also
, estTransition
, calcMC
, projections
, plot.estMigConnectivity
# Uncertainty in detection ('RMark' estimates) with equal abundances
# Number of resampling iterations for generating confidence intervals
nSamplesCMR <- 100
nSimulationsCMR <- 10
originPos13 <- matrix(c(rep(seq(-99, -81, 2), each = 10),
rep(seq(49, 31, -2), 10)), 100, 2)
targetPos13 <- matrix(c(rep(seq(-79, -61, 2), each = 10),
rep(seq(9, -9, -2), 10)), 100, 2)
originPosCMR <- rowsum(originPos13, c(rep(1:2, 5, each = 5),
rep(3:4, 5, each = 5))) / 25
targetPosCMR <- rowsum(targetPos13, c(rep(1:2, 5, each = 5),
rep(3:4, 5, each = 5))) / 25
originDist <- distFromPos(originPosCMR, 'ellipsoid')
targetDist <- distFromPos(targetPosCMR, 'ellipsoid')
originRelAbundTrue <- rep(0.25, 4)
# the second intermediate psi scenario, the "low" level
psiTrue <- samplePsis[["Low"]]
trueMC <- calcMC(originDist, targetDist, originRelAbundTrue, psiTrue)
# Storage matrix for samples
cmrMCSample <- matrix(NA, nSamplesCMR, nSimulationsCMR)
summaryCMR <- data.frame(Simulation = 1:nSimulationsCMR, True=trueMC,
mean=NA, se=NA, lcl=NA, ucl=NA)
# Get RMark psi estimates and estimate MC from each
for (r in 1:nSimulationsCMR) {
# Note: getCMRexample() requires a valid internet connection and that GitHub
# is accessible
fm <- getCMRexample(r)
results <- estMC(originRelAbund = originRelAbundTrue, psi = fm,
originDist = originDist, targetDist = targetDist,
originSites = 5:8, targetSites = c(3,2,1,4),
nSamples = nSamplesCMR, verbose = 0,
sampleSize = length(grep('[2-5]', fm$data$data$ch)))
#sampleSize argument not really needed (big sample sizes)
cmrMCSample[ , r] <- results$MC$sample
summaryCMR$mean[r] <- results$MC$mean
summaryCMR$se[r] <- results$MC$se
# Calculate confidence intervals using quantiles of sampled MC
summaryCMR[r, c('lcl', 'ucl')] <- results$MC$simpleCI
summaryCMR <- transform(summaryCMR, coverage = (True>=lcl & True<=ucl))
biasCMR <- mean(summaryCMR$mean) - trueMC
mseCMR <- mean((summaryCMR$mean - trueMC)^2)
rmseCMR <- sqrt(mseCMR)
# Simulation of BBS data to quantify uncertainty in relative abundance
nSamplesAbund <- 700 #1700 are stored
nSimulationsAbund <- 10
# Storage matrix for samples
abundMCSample <- matrix(NA, nSamplesAbund, nSimulationsAbund)
summaryAbund <- data.frame(Simulation = 1:nSimulationsAbund, True = trueMC,
mean = NA, se = NA, lcl = NA, ucl = NA)
for (r in 1:nSimulationsAbund) {
row0 <- nrow(abundExamples[[r]]) - nSamplesAbund
results <- estMC(originRelAbund = abundExamples[[r]], psi = psiTrue,
originDist = originDist, targetDist = targetDist,
row0 = row0, nSamples = nSamplesAbund, verbose = 1)
abundMCSample[ , r] <- results$MC$sample
summaryAbund$mean[r] <- results$MC$mean
summaryAbund$se[r] <- results$MC$se
# Calculate confidence intervals using quantiles of sampled MC
summaryAbund[r, c('lcl', 'ucl')] <- results$MC$simpleCI
summaryAbund <- transform(summaryAbund,
coverage = (True >= lcl & True <= ucl))
biasAbund <- mean(summaryAbund$mean) - trueMC
mseAbund <- mean((summaryAbund$mean - trueMC)^2)
rmseAbund <- sqrt(mseAbund)
# Ovenbird example with GL and GPS data
data(OVENdata) # Ovenbird
nSamplesGLGPS <- 100 # Number of bootstrap iterations
# Estimate MC only, treat all data as geolocator
GL_mc<-estMC(isGL=TRUE, # Logical vector: light-level geolocator(T)/GPS(F)
geoBias = OVENdata$geo.bias, #Geolocator location bias
geoVCov = OVENdata$geo.vcov, # Location covariance matrix
targetDist = OVENdata$targetDist, # targetSites distance matrix
originDist = OVENdata$originDist, # originSites distance matrix
targetSites = OVENdata$targetSites, # Non-breeding target sites
originSites = OVENdata$originSites, # Breeding origin sites
originPoints = OVENdata$originPoints, # Capture Locations
targetPoints = OVENdata$targetPoints, # Device target locations
originRelAbund = OVENdata$originRelAbund,#Origin relative abund.
verbose = 1, # output options
nSamples = nSamplesGLGPS,# This is set low for example
resampleProjection = terra::crs(OVENdata$targetSites))
# Estimate MC and rM, treat all data as is
Combined<-estMC(isGL=OVENdata$isGL, #Logical vector:light-level GL(T)/GPS(F)
geoBias = OVENdata$geo.bias, # Light-level GL location bias
geoVCov = OVENdata$geo.vcov, # Location covariance matrix
targetDist = OVENdata$targetDist, # Winter distance matrix
originDist = OVENdata$originDist, # Breeding distance matrix
targetSites = OVENdata$targetSites, # Nonbreeding/target sites
originSites = OVENdata$originSites, # Breeding origin sites
originPoints = OVENdata$originPoints, # Capture Locations
targetPoints = OVENdata$targetPoints, #Device target locations
originRelAbund = OVENdata$originRelAbund,#Relative abundance
verbose = 1, # output options
calcCorr = TRUE, # estimate rM as well
nSamples = nSamplesGLGPS, # This is set low for example
approxSigTest = TRUE,
resampleProjection = terra::crs(OVENdata$targetSites),
originNames = OVENdata$originNames,
targetNames = OVENdata$targetNames)
# For treating all data as GPS,
# Move the latitude of birds with locations that fall offshore - only change
# Latitude
int <- sf::st_intersects(OVENdata$targetPoints, OVENdata$targetSites)
text(tp[,1], tp[,2], label=c(1:39))
tp[5,2]<- -1899469
tp[10,2]<- -1927848
tp[1,2]<- -1927930
tp[11,2]<- -2026511
tp[15,2]<- -2021268
tp[16,2]<- -1976063
coords = c("X","Y"),
crs = sf::st_crs(OVENdata$targetPoints))
inter <- sf::st_intersects(oven_targetPoints, OVENdata$targetSites)
plot(oven_targetPoints,add=TRUE, col = "green")
# Estimate MC only, treat all data as GPS
GPS_mc<-estMC(isGL=FALSE, # Logical vector: light-level geolocator(T)/GPS(F)
targetDist = OVENdata$targetDist, # targetSites distance matrix
originDist = OVENdata$originDist, # originSites distance matrix
targetSites = OVENdata$targetSites, # Non-breeding target sites
originSites = OVENdata$originSites, # Breeding origin sites
originPoints = OVENdata$originPoints, # Capture Locations
targetPoints = oven_targetPoints, # Device target locations
originRelAbund = OVENdata$originRelAbund,#Origin relative abund.
verbose = 1, # output options
nSamples = nSamplesGLGPS) # This is set low for example
str(GPS_mc, max.level = 2)
str(Combined, max.level = 2)
str(GL_mc, max.level = 2)
plot(Combined, legend = "top", main = "Ovenbird GL and GPS")
text(1.1, 0.98, cex = 1,
labels = paste("MC = ", round(Combined$MC$mean, 2), "+/-",
round(Combined$MC$se, 2)))
# Generate probabilistic assignments using intrinsic markers (stable-hydrogen
# isotopes)
getCSV <- function(filename) {
tmp <- tempdir()
url1 <- paste0('',
filename, '?raw=true')
temp <- paste(tmp, filename, sep = '/')
utils::download.file(url1, temp, mode = 'wb')
csv <- read.csv(temp)
getRDS <- function(speciesDist) {
tmp <- tempdir()
extension <- '.rds'
filename <- paste0(speciesDist, extension)
url1 <- paste0(
filename, '?raw=true')
temp <- paste(tmp, filename, sep = '/')
utils::download.file(url1, temp, mode = 'wb')
shp <- readRDS(temp)
OVENdist <- getRDS("OVENdist")
OVENvals <- getCSV("deltaDvalues.csv")
OVENvals <- OVENvals[grep(x=OVENvals$Sample,"NH", invert = TRUE),]
originSites <- getRDS("originSites")
originSites <- sf::st_as_sf(originSites)
EVER <- length(grep(x=OVENvals$Sample,"EVER"))
JAM <- length(grep(x=OVENvals$Sample,"JAM"))
originRelAbund <- matrix(c(EVER,JAM),nrow = 1,byrow = TRUE)
originRelAbund <- prop.table(originRelAbund,1)
op <- sf::st_centroid(originSites)
originPoints <- array(NA,c(EVER+JAM,2), list(NULL, c("x","y")))
originPoints[grep(x = OVENvals$Sample,"JAM"),1] <- sf::st_coordinates(op)[1,1]
originPoints[grep(x = OVENvals$Sample,"JAM"),2] <- sf::st_coordinates(op)[1,2]
originPoints[grep(x = OVENvals$Sample,"EVER"),1] <-sf::st_coordinates(op)[2,1]
originPoints[grep(x = OVENvals$Sample,"EVER"),2] <-sf::st_coordinates(op)[2,2]
originPoints <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(originPoints),
coords = c("x", "y"),
crs = sf::st_crs(originSites))
originDist <- distFromPos(sf::st_coordinates(op))
iso <- isoAssign(isovalues = OVENvals[,2],
isoSTD = 12, # this value is for demonstration only
intercept = -10, # this value is for demonstration only
slope = 0.8, # this value is for demonstration only
odds = NULL,
restrict2Likely = TRUE,
nSamples = 1000,
sppShapefile = OVENdist,
assignExtent = c(-179,-60,15,89),
element = "Hydrogen",
period = "GrowingSeason",#this setting for demonstration only
seed = 12345,
targetSites <- sf::st_as_sf(iso$targetSites)
targetSites <- sf::st_make_valid(targetSites)
targetSites <- sf::st_union(targetSites, by_feature = TRUE)
ovenMC <- estMC(originRelAbund = originRelAbund,
targetIntrinsic = iso,
originPoints = originPoints,
originSites = originSites,
originDist = originDist,
nSamples = 50, # set very low for example speed
verbose = 1,
calcCorr = TRUE,
alpha = 0.05,
approxSigTest = FALSE,
isIntrinsic = TRUE,
targetSites = targetSites)