Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data

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Documentation for package ‘JointAI’ version 1.0.6

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add_samples Continue sampling from an object of class JointAI
betamm_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
betareg_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
clean_survname Convert a survival outcome to a model name
clmm_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
clm_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
coef.JointAI Summarize the results from an object of class JointAI
confint.JointAI Summarize the results from an object of class JointAI
coxph_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
default_hyperpars Get the default values for hyper-parameters
densplot Plot the posterior density from object of class JointAI
densplot.JointAI Plot the posterior density from object of class JointAI
extract_state Return the current state of a 'JointAI' model
get_MIdat Extract multiple imputed datasets from an object of class JointAI
get_missinfo Obtain a summary of the missing values involved in an object of class JointAI
glmer_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
glme_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
glm_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
GR_crit Gelman-Rubin criterion for convergence
JM_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
JointAI JointAI: Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data
JointAIObject Fitted object of class 'JointAI'
list_models List model details
lmer_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
lme_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
lm_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
lognormmm_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
lognorm_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
longDF Longitudinal example dataset
MC_error Calculate and plot the Monte Carlo error
md_pattern Missing data pattern
mlogitmm_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
mlogit_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
model_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Data
parameters Parameter names of an JointAI object
PBC PBC data
plot.JointAI Plot an object object inheriting from class 'JointAI'
plot.MCElist Calculate and plot the Monte Carlo error
plot_all Visualize the distribution of all variables in the dataset
plot_imp_distr Plot the distribution of observed and imputed values
predict.JointAI Predict values from an object of class JointAI
print.Dmat Summarize the results from an object of class JointAI
print.JointAI Summarize the results from an object of class JointAI
print.summary.JointAI Summarize the results from an object of class JointAI
rd_vcov Extract the random effects variance covariance matrix Returns the posterior mean of the variance-covariance matrix/matrices of the random effects in a fitted JointAI object.
residuals.JointAI Extract residuals from an object of class JointAI
set_refcat Specify reference categories for all categorical covariates in the model
sharedParams Parameters used by several functions in JointAI
simLong Simulated Longitudinal Data in Long and Wide Format
simWide Simulated Longitudinal Data in Long and Wide Format
summary.JointAI Summarize the results from an object of class JointAI
sum_duration Calculate the sum of the computational duration of a JointAI object
survreg_imp Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
traceplot Create traceplots for a MCMC sample
traceplot.JointAI Create traceplots for a MCMC sample
wideDF Cross-sectional example dataset