JM-package |
Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data in R |
aids |
Didanosine versus Zalcitabine in HIV Patients | |
Didanosine versus Zalcitabine in HIV Patients |
anova.jointModel |
Anova Method for Fitted Joint Models |
aucJM |
Time-Dependent AUCs for Joint Models |
aucJM.jointModel |
Time-Dependent AUCs for Joint Models |
coef.jointModel |
Estimated Coefficients for Joint Models |
crLong |
Transform Competing Risks Data in Long Format |
dbs |
Derivatives and Integrals of B-splines and Natural Cubic splines |
dns |
Derivatives and Integrals of B-splines and Natural Cubic splines |
dynCJM |
A Dynamic Discrimination Index for Joint Models |
dynCJM.jointModel |
A Dynamic Discrimination Index for Joint Models |
fitted.jointModel |
Fitted Values for Joint Models |
fixef.jointModel |
Estimated Coefficients for Joint Models |
ibs |
Derivatives and Integrals of B-splines and Natural Cubic splines |
ins |
Derivatives and Integrals of B-splines and Natural Cubic splines |
JM |
Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data in R |
jointModel |
Joint Models for Longitudinal and Survival Data |
jointModelObject |
Fitted jointModel Object |
pbc2 |
Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data | |
Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data | |
Proportional Hazards Models with Piecewise Constant Baseline Hazard Function |
plot.jointModel |
Plot Diagnostics for Joint Models |
plot.rocJM |
Plot Method for rocJM Objects |
plot.survfitJM |
Plot Method for survfitJM Objects |
prederrJM |
Prediction Errors for Joint Models |
prederrJM.jointModel |
Prediction Errors for Joint Models |
predict.jointModel |
Predictions for Joint Models |
prothro |
Prednisone versus Placebo in Liver Cirrhosis Patients |
prothros |
Prednisone versus Placebo in Liver Cirrhosis Patients |
ranef.jointModel |
Random Effects Estimates for Joint Models |
residuals.jointModel |
Residuals for Joint Models |
rocJM |
Predictive Accuracy Measures for Longitudinal Markers under a Joint Modelling Framework |
rocJM.jointModel |
Predictive Accuracy Measures for Longitudinal Markers under a Joint Modelling Framework |
simulate.jointModel |
Simulate from Joint Models. |
simulateJM |
Simulate from Joint Models. |
summary.weibull.frailty |
Summary Method for weibull.frailty Objects |
survfitJM |
Prediction in Joint Models |
survfitJM.jointModel |
Prediction in Joint Models |
wald.strata |
Wald Test for Stratification Factors |
weibull.frailty |
Weibull Model with Gamma Frailties |
xtable.jointModel |
xtable Method from Joint Models. |