cement |
Hald's Cement Data |
coef.improvedpreliminaryTest |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coef.positivestein |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coef.preliminaryTest |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coef.restricted |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coef.stein |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coef.unrestricted |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coefficients.improvedpreliminaryTest |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coefficients.positivestein |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coefficients.preliminaryTest |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coefficients.restricted |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coefficients.stein |
Extract Model Coefficients |
coefficients.unrestricted |
Extract Model Coefficients |
fitted.improvedpreliminaryTest |
Extract Model Fitted Values |
fitted.positivestein |
Extract Model Fitted Values |
fitted.preliminaryTest |
Extract Model Fitted Values |
fitted.restricted |
Extract Model Fitted Values |
fitted.stein |
Extract Model Fitted Values |
fitted.unrestricted |
Extract Model Fitted Values |
iptReg |
The improved preliminary test estimator |
predict.improvedpreliminaryTest |
Extract Model Predictions Values |
predict.positivestein |
Extract Model Predictions Values |
predict.preliminaryTest |
Extract Model Predictions Values |
predict.restricted |
Extract Model Predictions Values |
predict.stein |
Extract Model Predictions Values |
predict.unrestricted |
Extract Model Predictions Values |
prstReg |
The positive-rule Stein estimator |
ptReg |
The Preliminary Test Estimator |
residuals.improvedpreliminaryTest |
Extract Model Residuals |
residuals.positivestein |
Extract Model Residuals |
residuals.preliminaryTest |
Extract Model Residuals |
residuals.restricted |
Extract Model Residuals |
residuals.stein |
Extract Model Residuals |
residuals.unrestricted |
Extract Model Residuals |
resReg |
The restricted estimator |
simdata |
Simulation data |
stReg |
The Stein estimator |
teststat |
Test-Statistics |
unrReg |
The Unrestricted estimator |