Tandem Clustering with Invariant Coordinate Selection

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Documentation for package ‘ICSClust’ version 0.1.0

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ICSClust-package Tandem Clustering with Invariant Coordinate Selection
component_plot Scatterplot Matrix with densities on the diagonal
discriminatory_crit Selection of ICS components based on discriminatory power
discriminatory_crit.default Selection of ICS components based on discriminatory power
discriminatory_crit.ICS Selection of ICS components based on discriminatory power
ICSClust Tandem clustering with ICS
ICS_lcov Local Shape Scatter Estimates for ICS
ICS_mcd MCD location and Scatter Estimates for ICS
ICS_mcd_raw MCD location and Scatter Estimates for ICS
ICS_mcd_rwt MCD location and Scatter Estimates for ICS
ICS_mlc Cauchy location and Scatter Estimates for ICS
ICS_scov Simple robust estimates of scatter for ICS
ICS_tcov Pairwise one-step M-estimate of scatter for ICS
ICS_ucov Simple robust estimates of scatter for ICS
kmeans_clust _k_-means clustering
mclust_clust Model-Based Clustering
med_crit Selection of Invariant components using the med criterion
med_crit.default Selection of Invariant components using the med criterion
med_crit.ICS Selection of Invariant components using the med criterion
mixture_sim Simulation of a mixture of Gaussian distributions
normal_crit Selection of Non-normal Invariant Components Using Marginal Normality Tests
normal_crit.default Selection of Non-normal Invariant Components Using Marginal Normality Tests
normal_crit.ICS Selection of Non-normal Invariant Components Using Marginal Normality Tests
pam_clust Partitioning Around Medoids clustering
plot.ICSClust Scatterplot Matrix with densities on the diagonal
print.ICSClust_summary Print of an 'ICSClust_summary' object
rimle_clust Robust Improper Maximum Likelihood Clustering
rmclust_clust Model-Based Clustering
runif_outside_range Uniform distribution outside a given range
scov Simple robust estimates of scatter
select_plot Plot of the Generalized Kurtosis Values of the ICS Transformation
select_plot.data.frame Plot of the Generalized Kurtosis Values of the ICS Transformation
select_plot.default Plot of the Generalized Kurtosis Values of the ICS Transformation
select_plot.ICS_crit Plot of the Generalized Kurtosis Values of the ICS Transformation
summary.ICSClust Summary of an 'ICSClust' object
tcov Pairwise one-step M-estimate of scatter
tkmeans_clust Trimmed k-means clustering
ucov Simple robust estimates of scatter
var_crit Selection of Invariant components using the var criterion
var_crit.default Selection of Invariant components using the var criterion
var_crit.ICS Selection of Invariant components using the var criterion