Tools for Environmental Analyses, Ecotoxicology and Various R Functions

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Documentation for package ‘HelpersMG’ version 6.1

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HelpersMG-package Tools for Environmental Analyses, Ecotoxicology and Various R Functions

-- A --

addS3Class Add a S3 class to an object.
as.mcmc.mcmcComposite Extract mcmc object from a mcmcComposite object
as.parameters Extract parameters from mcmcComposite object
as.quantiles Extract quantile distribution from mcmcComposite object
asc Return the codes (in UTF-8) of a string

-- B --

barplot_errbar Plot a barplot graph with error bar on y

-- C --

cArrows Draw curved lines with arrowhead
ChangeCoordinate Return a value in a changed coordinate
char Return the characters defined by the codes
compare Run a shiny application for basic functions of comparison
compare_AIC Compares the AIC of several outputs
compare_AICc Compares the AICc of several outputs
compare_BIC Compares the BIC of several outputs Contingency table comparison using Akaike weight Convert one Date-Time from one timezone to another
cutter Distribution of the fitted distribution without cut.

-- D --

d Write an ASCII Representation of a vector object
dbeta_new Density for the Beta distributions.
dcutter Distribution of the fitted distribution without cut.
dggamma Generalized gamma distribution.
DIx Return an index of quantitative asymmetry and complexity named Developmental Instability Index (DIx)
dnbinom_new Random numbers for the negative binomial distribution.
dSnbinom Distribution of the sum independent negative binomial random variables.
duplicated_packages List the duplicated packages with their locations

-- E --

ellipse Plot an ellipse
ExtractAIC.glm Return AIC, AICc or BIC from a glm object

-- F --

fitdistrquantiles Parameters of beta, normal or gamma distribution based on quantiles.
flexit Return the flexit
FormatCompareAIC Format data to be used with compare_AIC()
format_ncdf Return an array with ncdf data

-- H --

HelpersMG Tools for Environmental Analyses, Ecotoxicology and Various R Functions

-- I --

iCutter Run a shiny application to fit bone section
IC_clean_data Clean the dataframe before to be used with IC_threshold_matrix
IC_correlation_simplify Simplify the correlation matrix
IC_threshold_matrix Calculate correlation matrix
index.periodic Estimate indices in periodic timeseries based on anchored minimum and maximum
ind_long_lat Return or the index in ncdf object from lat/longitude or inverse
inside Search a string within files of a folder
invlogit Return the inverse logit

-- L --

LD50 Estimate the parameters that best describe LD50
LD50_MHmcmc Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for LD50
LD50_MHmcmc_p Generates set of parameters to be used with LD50_MHmcmc()
list.packages List the installed packages with their locations Return path of file searched for in local disk based on its file name
logit Return the logit
logLik.compareAIC Return Log Likelihood generated by FormatCompareAIC
logLik.cutter Return log likelihood of a cutter fitted model
logLik.LD50 Return Log Likelihood of a fit generated by LD50

-- M --

merge.mcmcComposite Merge two mcmcComposite results
MHalgoGen Monte-Carlo Markov-chain with Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
minmax.periodic Search for minimum and maximum indices in periodic timeseries
modeled.hist Return the theoretical value for the histogram bar
modifyVector Modifies Elements of a Vector Moon phase based on a date
MovingWindow Return a moving average of a vector.

-- N --

NagelkerkeScaledR2 Return the scaled R2 defined by Nagelkerke (1991)
newcompassRose Display a compass rose
newmap.scale Add Scale to Existing Unprojected Map

-- O --

openwd Open a finder window with current working directory in MacOS X and windows

-- P --

pggamma Generalized gamma distribution.
plot.cutter Plot results of cutter that best describe distribution
plot.IconoCorel Clean the dataframe before to be used with IC_threshold_matrix
plot.LD50 Plot results of LD50() that best describe LD50
plot.mcmcComposite Plot the result of a mcmcComposite object
plot.PriorsmcmcComposite Plot a prior defined with setPriors function
plot_add Add a plot to a previous one
plot_errbar Plot a xy graph with error bar on x and/or y
predict.LD50 Estimate survival according to doses
print.cutter Print results of cutter that best describe distribution
pSnbinom Distribution of the sum independent negative binomial random variables.

-- Q --

qggamma Generalized gamma distribution.
qSnbinom Distribution of the sum independent negative binomial random variables.
qvlmer Quasi Variances for lmer Model Coefficients

-- R --

r2norm Random generation for Gaussian distributions different at left and right
RandomFromHessianOrMCMC Random numbers based on Hessian matrix or MCMC
rcutter Random values of unobserved values of cut distribution.
read_folder Read files present in a folder and creates a list with the content of these files
RectangleRegression Return parameters of rectangle regression
rggamma Generalized gamma distribution.
rmnorm Generate random numbers from the multivariate normal distribution
RM_add Create a results managment or add a value in a results managment to an object
RM_delete Delete a results managment or a result within a results managment from an object
RM_duplicate Duplicate a results managment within an object.
RM_get Get a value in a results managment to an object
RM_list Return the list of results managment of an object.
rnbinom_new Random numbers for the negative binomial distribution.
rSnbinom Distribution of the sum independent negative binomial random variables.

-- S --

ScalePreviousPlot Return the scale of the previous plot
SEfromHessian Standard error of parameters based on Hessian matrix Data series comparison using Akaike weight
setPriors Set priors for MHalgoGen()
show_name Show the name of a point
similar Test if two vectors contains the same elements independently of their order
specify_decimal Return a number as character with specified number of decimals
summary.mcmcComposite Summarize the result of a mcmcComposite object Estimate the time of sunrise and sunset according to longitude, latitude and date
symbol.Female Plot a female symbol in the plotting region
symbol.Male Plot a male symbol in the plotting region
symmetricize Make a matrix symmetric

-- T -- Annual tide calendar for one particular location
tnirp Read an ASCII text representation of a named or not vector object

-- U --

universalmclapply Run the function FUN on X using parallel computing

-- W --

wget Download a file from internet and save it locally