Superefficient Estimation of Future Conditional Hazards Based on Marker Information

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Documentation for package ‘HQM’ version 0.1.0

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b_selection Cross validation bandwidth selection
b_selection_prep_g Preparations for bandwidth selection
Conf_bands Confidence bands
dataset_split Split dataset for K-fold cross validation
Epan Epanechnikov kernel and pdf kernel estimate
get_alpha Marker-only hazard rate
get_h_x Future conditional hazard rate for all time values
g_xt Computation of a key component for wild bootstrap
h_xt Future conditional hazard rate
h_xt_vec Hqm estimator on the marker grid
K_b Epanechnikov kernel and pdf kernel estimate
K_b_mat Epanechnikov kernel and pdf kernel estimate
lin_interpolate Linear interpolation
make_N Occurance and Exposure on grids
make_Ni Occurance and Exposure on grids
make_sf Survival function from a hazard
make_Y Occurance and Exposure on grids
make_Yi Occurance and Exposure on grids
pbc2 Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data
prep_boot Precomputation for wild bootstrap
prep_cv Prepare for Cross validation bandwidth selection
Q1 Bandwidth selection score Q1
R_K Bandwidth selection score R
to_id Event data frame