Hurst-Kolmogorov Process

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Documentation for package ‘HKprocess’ version 0.1-1

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acfHKp Autocorrelation of HKp
inferf Posterior distribution of the phi parameter of the AR(1) process, using an Accept-Reject algorithm
inferfmetrop Posterior distribution of the phi parameter of the AR(1) process, using a Metropolis algorithm.
inferH Posterior distribution of the H parameter of the HKp using an Accept-Reject algorithm.
inferHmetrop Posterior distribution of the H parameter of the HKp, using a Metropolis algorithm.
infermsfmetrop Bayesian inference for mu and sigma^2 for the AR(1) process.
infermsmetrop Bayesian inference for mu and sigma^2 for the HKp.
lssd LSSD estimation for the HKp parameters.
lsv LSV estimation for the HKp parameters.
ltza Value of quadratic forms for the inverse of a symmetric positive definite autocorrelation matrix.
ltzb Value of quadratic forms for the inverse of a symmetric positive definite autocorrelation matrix.
ltzc Value of quadratic forms for the inverse of a symmetric positive definite autocorrelation matrix.
ltzd Value of quadratic forms for the inverse of a symmetric positive definite autocorrelation matrix.
MannKendallLTP Mann-Kendall trend test under the scaling hypothesis.
mlear1 Maximum likelihood estimation for the AR(1) parameters.
mleHK Maximum likelihood estimation for the HKp parameters.