Comprehensive GO Terms Comparison Between Species

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GOCompare-package GOCompare: An R package to compare GO terms of gene lists (categories) and their orthologs
A_thaliana A thaliana functional enrichment analysis of 2224 ortholog genes related to cancer-hallmarks
A_thaliana_compress A thaliana functional enrichment analysis results for "AID","DCE","RCD","SPS" cancer-hallmarks
compareGOspecies Visual representation for the results of functional enrichment analysis to compare two species and a series of categories
comparison_ex_compress Functional enrichment analysis comparison between H. sapiens and A. thaliana for "AID","DCE","RCD","SPS" cancer-hallmarks
comparison_ex_compress_CH Functional enrichment analysis comparison between H. sapiens and A. thaliana for "DCE", and "RCD" cancer-hallmarks. This dataset contains 10 GO terms per category to allow a fast run of the function graph_two_GOspecies.
evaluateCAT_species Comprehensive comparison between species using categories and Pearson's Chi-squared Tests
evaluateGO_species Comprehensive comparison between species using GO terms and Pearson's Chi-squared Tests
GOCompare GOCompare: An R package to compare GO terms of gene lists (categories) and their orthologs
graphGOspecies Undirected network representation for the results of functional enrichment analysis for one species
graph_two_GOspecies Undirected network representation for the results of functional enrichment analysis to compare two species and a series of categories
H_sapiens H. sapiens functional enrichment analysis of 5494 genes related to cancer-hallmarks
H_sapiens_compress H. sapiens functional enrichment analysis results for "AID","DCE","RCD","SPS" cancer-hallmarks
mostFrequentGOs Most frequent GO terms among groups for a data.frame