The Generalized DINA Model Framework

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Documentation for package ‘GDINA’ version 2.9.4

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GDINA-package The Generalized DINA Model Framework
anova.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
att.structure Generate hierarchical attribute structures
attributepattern Generate all possible attribute patterns
autoGDINA Q-matrix validation, model selection and calibration in one run
bdiagMatrix Create a block diagonal matrix
bootSE Calculating standard errors and variance-covariance matrix using bootstrap methods
CA Calculate classification accuracy
cjoint Combine R Objects by Columns
ClassRate Classification Rate Evaluation
coef.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
designmatrix Generate design matrix
deviance.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
dif Differential item functioning for cognitive diagnosis models
DTM Experimental function for diagnostic multiple-strategy CDMs
ecpe Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) data
extract extract elements from objects of various classes
extract.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
extract.itemfit Item fit statistics
extract.modelcomp Item-level model comparison using Wald, LR or LM tests
extract.Qval Q-matrix validation
extract.simGDINA Data simulation based on the G-DINA models
frac20 Tatsuoka's fraction subtraction data
GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
GMSCDM Estimating multiple-strategy cognitive diagnosis models
ILCA Iterative latent-class analysis
indlogLik Extract log-likelihood for each individual
indlogLik.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
indlogPost Extract log posterior for each individual
indlogPost.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
itemfit Item fit statistics
itemparm extract item parameters (deprecated)
itemparm.GDINA extract item parameters (deprecated)
LC2LG Transformation between latent classes and latent groups
logLik.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
MCmodel Multiple-choice models
modelcomp Item-level model comparison using Wald, LR or LM tests
modelfit Model fit statistics
monocheck This function checks if monotonicity is violated
nobs.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
npar Calculate the number of parameters
npar.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
personparm calculate person (incidental) parameters
personparm.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
plot.GDINA Create plots for GDINA estimates
plot.itemfit Item fit plots
plot.Qval Mesa plot for Q-matrix validation
Qval Q-matrix validation
rowMatch Count the frequency of a row vector in a data frame
score Score function
sim10GDINA Simulated data (10 items, G-DINA model)
sim10MCDINA Simulated data (10 items, MC-DINA model)
sim10MCDINA2 Simulated data (10 items, MC-DINA model)
sim20seqGDINA Simulated data (20 items, sequential G-DINA model)
sim21seqDINA Simulated data (21 items, sequential DINA model)
sim30DINA Simulated data (30 items, DINA model)
sim30GDINA Simulated data (30 items, G-DINA model)
sim30pGDINA Simulated data (30 items, polytomous G-DINA model)
simDTM Simulating data for diagnostic tree model
simGDINA Data simulation based on the G-DINA models
startGDINA Graphical user interface of the GDINA function
summary.autoGDINA Q-matrix validation, model selection and calibration in one run
summary.dif Differential item functioning for cognitive diagnosis models
summary.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework
summary.itemfit Item fit statistics
summary.modelcomp Item-level model comparison using Wald, LR or LM tests
summary.Qval Q-matrix validation
unique_only Unique values in a vector
unrestrQ Generate unrestricted Qc matrix from an restricted Qc matrix
vcov.GDINA CDM calibration under the G-DINA model framework