Statistical Analysis in Epidemiology

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Documentation for package ‘Epi’ version 2.48

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Epi-package Epi: Functions for manipulation and statistical analysis of epidemiological data

-- A --

AaJ.Lexis The Aalen-Johansen estimator of state probabilities from a multistate 'Lexis' object.
absorbing Time series and other methods for Lexis objects
addCov.Lexis Add covariates (typically clinical measurements) taken at known times to a Lexis object.
addDrug.Lexis Expand a Lexis object with information of drug exposure based on purchase dates and -amounts
after Time series and other methods for Lexis objects Fit an Age-Period-Cohort model to tabular data.
apc.frame Produce an empty frame for display of parameter-estimates from Age-Period-Cohort-models.
apc.LCa Fit Age-Period-Cohort models and Lee-Carter models with effects modeled by natural splines.
apc.lines Plot APC-estimates in an APC-frame.
apc.plot Plot the estimates from a fitted Age-Period-Cohort model
Aplot Functions to plot rates from a table classified by age and calendar time (period) Functions to convert character, factor and various date objects into a number, and vice versa.

-- B -- Births in Denmark by year and month of birth and sex
bdendo A case-control study of endometrial cancer
bdendo11 A case-control study of endometrial cancer
before Time series and other methods for Lexis objects
births Births in a London Hospital
blcaIT Bladder cancer mortality in Italian males
bootLexis Create a bootstrap sample of persons (as identified by '') from a Lexis object
boxarr Draw boxes and arrows for illustration of multistate models.
boxes Draw boxes and arrows for illustration of multistate models.
boxes.Lexis Draw boxes and arrows for illustration of multistate models.
boxes.matrix Draw boxes and arrows for illustration of multistate models.
boxes.MS Draw boxes and arrows for illustration of multistate models.
BrCa Clinical status, relapse, metastasis and death in 2982 women with breast cancer.
breaks Extract time band data from a split Lexis object
brv Bereavement in an elderly cohort

-- C --

cal.yr Functions to convert character, factor and various date objects into a number, and vice versa.
cbind.Lexis Combining a Lexis objects with data frames or other Lexis objects
ccwc Generate a nested case-control study
ci.Crisk Compute cumulative risks and expected sojourn times from models for cause-specific rates.
ci.cum Compute cumulative sum of estimates.
ci.exp Compute linear functions of parameters with standard errors and confidence limits, optionally transforming to a different scale.
ci.lin Compute linear functions of parameters with standard errors and confidence limits, optionally transforming to a different scale.
ci.mat Compute linear functions of parameters with standard errors and confidence limits, optionally transforming to a different scale.
ci.pd Compute confidence limits for a difference of two independent proportions.
ci.pred Compute linear functions of parameters with standard errors and confidence limits, optionally transforming to a different scale.
ci.ratio Compute linear functions of parameters with standard errors and confidence limits, optionally transforming to a different scale.
ci.surv Compute cumulative sum of estimates.
clear Functions to manage and explore the workspace
clogistic Conditional logistic regression
coarse.Lexis Expand a Lexis object with information of drug exposure based on purchase dates and -amounts
contr.2nd Contrast matrices
contr.cum Contrast matrices
contr.diff Contrast matrices
contr.orth Contrast matrices
count Special functions for use in stat.table
countLexis Cut follow-up at a specified date for each person.
coxph.Lexis Fit intensity models to follow-up data in Lexis objects
cp.lines Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
cp.matlines Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
cp.matpoints Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
cp.matshade Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
cp.points Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
Cplot Functions to plot rates from a table classified by age and calendar time (period)
crr.Lexis Fit a competing risks regression model (Fine-Gray model) using a Lexis object)
cutLexis Cut follow-up at a specified date for each person.

-- D --

dbox Draw boxes and arrows for illustration of multistate models.
decurve Projection of a model matrix on the orthogonal complement of a trend or curvature.
detrend Projection of a model matrix on the orthogonal complement of a trend or curvature.
diet Diet and heart data
DMconv Conversion to diabetes
DMepi Epidemiological rates for diabetes in Denmark 1996-2015
DMlate The Danish National Diabetes Register.
DMrand The Danish National Diabetes Register.
dur Time series and other methods for Lexis objects

-- E --

effx Function to calculate effects
effx.match Function to calculate effects for individually matched case-control studies
entry Time series and other methods for Lexis objects
Epi Epi: Functions for manipulation and statistical analysis of epidemiological data
erl Compute survival functions from rates and expected residual lifetime in an illness-death model as well as years of life lost to disease.
erl1 Compute survival functions from rates and expected residual lifetime in an illness-death model as well as years of life lost to disease.
etm Create a data structures suitable for use with packages 'mstate' or 'etm'.
etm.Lexis Create a data structures suitable for use with packages 'mstate' or 'etm'.
ewrates Rates of lung and nasal cancer mortality, and total mortality.
exit Time series and other methods for Lexis objects Function to expand data for regression analysis of interval censored data.

-- F --

factorize Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object
factorize.Lexis Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object
fgrep Convenience versions of grep
fillarr Draw boxes and arrows for illustration of multistate models.
fit.add Fit an additive excess risk model to interval censored data.
fit.baseline Fit a piecewise contsnt intesity model for interval censored data.
fit.mult Fits a multiplicative relative risk model to interval censored data.
float Calculate floated variances
ftrend Fit a floating trend to a factor in generalized linear model

-- G --

gam.Lexis Fit intensity models to follow-up data in Lexis objects
gen.exp Generate covariates for drug-exposure follow-up from drug purchase records.
glm.Lexis Fit intensity models to follow-up data in Lexis objects
gmortDK Population mortality rates for Denmark in 5-years age groups.

-- H --

harm Create a basis of harmonic functions.
hivDK hivDK: seroconversion in a cohort of Danish men

-- I --

Icens Fits a regression model to interval censored data.
id.span Is 'x' in the column span of matrix 'A' and what columns are linearly dependent?
idSpan Is 'x' in the column span of matrix 'A' and what columns are linearly dependent?
in.span Is 'x' in the column span of matrix 'A' and what columns are linearly dependent?
inSpan Is 'x' in the column span of matrix 'A' and what columns are linearly dependent?

-- L -- Fit Lee-Carter-type models for rates to arbitrarily shaped observations of rates in a Lexis diagram.
legendbox Draw a box with text explaining the numbers in and between boxes from 'boxes.MS' and 'boxes.Lexis'
lep An unmatched case-control study of leprosy incidence
levels.Lexis Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object
Lexis Create a Lexis object of follow-up
Lexis.diagram Plot a Lexis diagram
Lexis.lines Draw life lines in a Lexis diagram.
Lexis2msm Convert a Lexis obejct to a data set suitable for input to the 'msm:msm' function.
lgrep Convenience versions of grep
Life.lines Compute dates/ages for life lines in a Lexis diagram
lines.apc Plot APC-estimates in an APC-frame.
lines.Lexis Lexis diagrams
lines.pState Simulate a Lexis object representing follow-up in a multistate model.
linesEst Plot estimates with confidence limits (forest plot)
lls Functions to manage and explore the workspace
lungDK Male lung cancer incidence in Denmark

-- M -- Mortality in Denmark 1974 ff.
mat2pol Plot columns of a matrix as stacked areas.
matshade Plot confidence intervals as shaded areas around lines.
mcutLexis Cut follow-up at multiple event dates and keep track of order of events
merge.Lexis Merge a Lexis object with a data frame
mh Mantel-Haenszel analyses of cohort and case-control studies
mortDK Population mortality rates for Denmark in 1-year age-classes.
msdata Create a data structures suitable for use with packages 'mstate' or 'etm'.
msdata.Lexis Create a data structures suitable for use with packages 'mstate' or 'etm'.

-- N -- Population size in Denmark
N2Y Create risk time ("Person-Years") in Lexis triangles from population count data.
NArray Set up an array of NAs, solely from the list of dimnames
ncut Function to group a variable in intervals.
ngrep Convenience versions of grep
nice Nice breakpoints
nickel A Cohort of Nickel Smelters in South Wales
nid Create a bootstrap sample of persons (as identified by '') from a Lexis object
nid.Lexis Create a bootstrap sample of persons (as identified by '') from a Lexis object
Ns Natural splines - (cubic splines linear beyond outermost knots) with convenient specification of knots and possibility of centering, detrending and clamping.
nState Simulate a Lexis object representing follow-up in a multistate model.

-- O --

occup A small occupational cohort
order.Lexis Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object
orderLexis Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object

-- P --

pc.lines Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
pc.matlines Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
pc.matpoints Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
pc.matshade Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
pc.points Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
pctab Create percentages in a table
percent Special functions for use in stat.table
plot.apc Plot the estimates from a fitted Age-Period-Cohort model
plot.LCa Fit Lee-Carter-type models for rates to arbitrarily shaped observations of rates in a Lexis diagram.
plot.Lexis Lexis diagrams
plot.pState Simulate a Lexis object representing follow-up in a multistate model.
plotCIF Plotting Aalen-Johansen curves for competing events
plotEst Plot estimates with confidence limits (forest plot)
plotevent Plot Equivalence Classes
points.Lexis Lexis diagrams
pointsEst Plot estimates with confidence limits (forest plot)
poisreg Family Object for Poisson Regression
Pplot Functions to plot rates from a table classified by age and calendar time (period)
pr Diabetes prevance as of 2010-01-01 in Denmark
preceding Time series and other methods for Lexis objects
predict.LCa Fit Lee-Carter-type models for rates to arbitrarily shaped observations of rates in a Lexis diagram.
print.floated Calculate floated variances
print.Icens Fits a regression model to interval censored data.
print.LCa Fit Lee-Carter-type models for rates to arbitrarily shaped observations of rates in a Lexis diagram.
print.Lexis Create a Lexis object of follow-up Mantel-Haenszel analyses of cohort and case-control studies
print.stat.table Tables of summary statistics
print.summary.Lexis Summarize transitions and risk time from a Lexis object
projection.ip Projection of columns of a matrix.
pState Simulate a Lexis object representing follow-up in a multistate model.
PY.ann Lexis diagrams
PY.ann.Lexis Lexis diagrams

-- R --

rateplot Functions to plot rates from a table classified by age and calendar time (period)
ratio Special functions for use in stat.table
rbind.Lexis Combining a Lexis objects with data frames or other Lexis objects
rcutLexis A function to cut follow-up at intermediate event times.
Relevel Reorder and combine levels of a factor
Relevel.factor Reorder and combine levels of a factor
Relevel.Lexis Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object Remove transitions from a Lexis object.
ROC Function to compute and draw ROC-curves.

-- S --

S.typh Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak 1996 in Denmark.
show.apc.LCa Fit Age-Period-Cohort models and Lee-Carter models with effects modeled by natural splines.
simLexis Simulate a Lexis object representing follow-up in a multistate model.
sortLexis Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object
splitLexis Split follow-up time in a Lexis object
st2alb Clinical trial: Steno2 baseline and follow-up.
st2clin Clinical trial: Steno2 baseline and follow-up.
stack.Lexis Functions to facilitate analysis of multistate models.
stackedCIF Plotting Aalen-Johansen curves for competing events
stat.table Tables of summary statistics
status Time series and other methods for Lexis objects
steno2 Clinical trial: Steno2 baseline and follow-up.
subset.Lexis Subsetting Lexis (and stacked.Lexis) objects
subset.stacked.Lexis Subsetting Lexis (and stacked.Lexis) objects
succeeding Time series and other methods for Lexis objects
summary.Icens Fits a regression model to interval censored data.
summary.LCa Fit Lee-Carter-type models for rates to arbitrarily shaped observations of rates in a Lexis diagram.
summary.Lexis Summarize transitions and risk time from a Lexis object
surv1 Compute survival functions from rates and expected residual lifetime in an illness-death model as well as years of life lost to disease.
surv2 Compute survival functions from rates and expected residual lifetime in an illness-death model as well as years of life lost to disease.

-- T --

tbox Draw boxes and arrows for illustration of multistate models.
Termplot A wrapper for 'termplot' that optionally (but by default) exponentiates terms, and plot them on a common log-scale. Also scales x-axes to the same physical scale.
testisDK Testis cancer incidence in Denmark, 1943-1996
thinCol Is 'x' in the column span of matrix 'A' and what columns are linearly dependent?
thoro Thorotrast Study
timeBand Extract time band data from a split Lexis object
timeScales The time scales of a Lexis object
timeSince The time scales of a Lexis object
tmat Functions to facilitate analysis of multistate models.
tmat.Lexis Functions to facilitate analysis of multistate models.
transform.Lexis Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object
transform.stacked.Lexis Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object
transient Time series and other methods for Lexis objects
tsNA20 The time scales of a Lexis object
twoby2 Analysis of a two by two table

-- U --

unLexis Remove Lexis attributes from a 'Lexis' object.

-- W --

Wald Compute linear functions of parameters with standard errors and confidence limits, optionally transforming to a different scale.

-- Y -- Population risk time in Denmark
yll Compute survival functions from rates and expected residual lifetime in an illness-death model as well as years of life lost to disease.

-- Z --

ZArray Set up an array of NAs, solely from the list of dimnames

-- misc --

[.Lexis Subsetting Lexis (and stacked.Lexis) objects