Simulating Explicit Population Genetics Models

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Documentation for package ‘Ease’ version 0.1.2

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alleleFreqMatGeneration Generation of the matrix for calculating allelic frequencies
areThereHomoz Are there any allelic combinations including homozygosity
catn Concatenate, print and line break
check.genome The validity check for the 'Genome' class
check.metapopulation The validity check for the 'Metapopulation' class
check.mutationMatrix The validity check associated with the 'MutationMatrix' class
check.population The validity check for the 'Population' class
check.selection The validity check for the 'Selection' class
extractAlleleComb Extract the allele combination
Genome-class 'Genome' class
genotyping Genotyping
getCustomOutput Getting the custom output
getRecords Getting the simulation results
getResults Getting the simulation results
haploCrossMatrix Haplotype crossing matrix generation
haplotyping Haplotyping
IDgenomeGeneration Genome identifier
IDgenotypeGeneration Genotype identifier
IDhaplotypeGeneration Haplotype identifier
initialize-method Initialize method for the 'Genome' class
initialize-method Initialize method for the 'Metapopulation' class
initialize-method Initialize method for the 'MutationMatrix' class
initialize-method Initialize method for the 'Population' class
initialize-method Initialize method for the 'Selection' class
is.correct.transition.matrix Test if a matrix is a correct transition matrix
is.default.matrix Test if a matrix is a default matrix
is.probability.matrix Test if a matrix is of probability
isAffected Is this haplo/geno-type affected ?
isHaploSelectFormula Are there any allelic combinations including homozygosity
listing Listing for display
meiosisMatrix Meiosis matrix generation
Metapopulation-class Metapopulation
METAPOP_SIMULATION Simulation of a metapopulation
mutation Definition of a mutation
MutationMatrix-class Mutation matrix
mutMatFriendly Individual mutation definition to allelic mutation matrices
mutMatRates Mutation matrix from rates
outFunct Custom output function
Population-class Population
print-method Print method for the 'Genome' class
print-method Print method for the 'Metapopulation' class
print-method Print method for the 'MutationMatrix' class
print-method Print method for the 'Population' class
print-method Print method for the 'Selection' class
recombinationMatrix Recombination matrix generation
rowResultGen Processing a result (or record) list
selectFormIntoVect Conversion of selection formulas
selectInputTreatment Treatment of selection formulas
Selection-class 'Selection' class
selection.form.treatment Treatment of a selection formula
setGenome Setting the genome
setMetapopulation Setting a metapopulation
setMutationMatrix Setting the mutation matrix
setPopulation Setting a population
setSelectNeutral Setting the selection
setSelectOnGametes Setting the selection on gametes
setSelectOnGametesProd Setting the selection on gamete production
setSelectOnInds Setting the selection on individuals
show-method Show method for the 'Genome' class
show-method Show method for the 'Metapopulation' class
show-method Show method for the 'MutationMatrix' class
show-method Show method for the 'Population' class
show-method Show method for the 'Selection' class
simulate-method Simulate method for the 'Metapopulation' class
whichHomoz Which alleles are homozygous in the input?