Summarise Patient-Level Drug Utilisation in Data Mapped to the OMOP Common Data Model

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Documentation for package ‘DrugUtilisation’ version 0.5.3

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addDailyDose add daily dose information to a drug_exposure table
addDrugUse Add new columns with drug use related information
addIndication Get indication for a target cohort
addRoute add route column to a table containing drug_exposure information
benchmarkDUS Run benchmark of drug utilisation cohort generation
dailyDoseCoverage Check coverage of daily dose computation in a sample of the cdm for selected concept sets and ingredient
generateAtcCohortSet Generates a cohort of the drug use of ATC name(s) of interest.
generateDrugUtilisationCohortSet Generates a cohort of the drug use of a certain list of concepts.
generateIngredientCohortSet Generates a cohort of the drug use of ingredient name(s) of interest.
indicationToStrata Create new variables summarising the data of indication that can be used as stratification columns
mockDrugUtilisation It creates a mock database for testing drugutilisation package
patternsWithFormula Patterns valid to compute daily dose with the associated formula.
patternTable Function to create a tibble with the patterns from current drug strength table
readConceptList Get concept ids from a provided path to json files
stratifyByUnit Function to stratify a conceptSet by unit
summariseCharacteristicsFromCodelist Summarise a cohort from multipl codelist and windows
summariseDrugUse This function is used to summarise the dose table over multiple cohorts.
summariseIndication This function is used to summarise the indication table over multiple cohorts.
summariseTreatmentFromCohort This function is used to summarise the dose table over multiple cohorts.
summariseTreatmentFromConceptSet This function is used to summarise the dose table over multiple cohorts.