DistatisR-package |
implements three way metric multidimensional scaling: DISTATIS and COVSTATIS. |
amariSorting |
25 assessors twice sort and describe 12 amaris (i.e., bitter) |
beersBlindSorting |
Novices and Experts sorted 3 types of beers from 3 different brewers without and without seeing the beers. |
BeersFlashProfile |
An example of an excel file storing the Flash Profile of 6 (fictitious) assessors evaluating 7 (imaginary) beers. This excel file can be read by 'read.df.excel'. |
BeersProjectiveMapping |
7 (fictitious) assessors sort and verbally describe 7 Beers using _Projective Mapping_. |
BeersProjectiveMapping_xlsx |
An example of an excel file with Projective Mapping data and vocabulary. This excel file can be read by 'read.df.excel'. |
BeersProjectiveNapping |
7 (fictitious) assessors sort and verbally describe 7 Beers using _Projective Mapping_. |
BeersProjectiveNapping_xlsx |
An example of an excel file with Projective Mapping data and vocabulary. This excel file can be read by 'read.df.excel'. |
BootFactorScores |
Computes observation factor scores Bootstrap replicates from partial factor scores. |
BootFromCompromise |
'BootFromCompromise': Computes Bootstrap replicates of the (observation) factor scores by creating bootstrapped compromises. |
Chi2Dist |
Computes the chi2 distance between the rows of a rectangular matrix (with positive elements). |
Chi2DistanceFromSort |
'Chi2DistanceFromSort': Creates a 3-dimensional chi2 distance array from the results of a sorting task. |
computePartial4Groups |
Computes group alphas and group factor scores for K groups of observations in 'distatis'. |
ComputeSplus |
ComputeSplus |
3-Way MDS based on the "STATIS" optimization procedure. |
covstatis |
3-Way MDS based on the "STATIS" optimization procedure. |
CP2MFAnormedCP |
CP2MFAnormedCP |
CP2NuclearNormedCP |
CP2NuclearNormedCP |
createCubeOfCovDis |
compute a cube of covariance and a cube of distance between the items (rows) of a brick of measurements (when all blocks have the same number of variables). |
DblCenterDist |
Double Center a distance matrix |
Dist2CP |
Dist2CP |
DistAlgo |
Four computer algorithms evaluate the similarity of six faces for distatis analysis |
DistanceFromRank |
'DistanceFromRank': Creates a 3-dimensional distance array from the results of a ranking task. |
DistanceFromSort |
Creates a 3-dimensional distance array from the results of a sorting task. |
3-Way MDS based on the "STATIS" optimization procedure. |
distatis |
3-Way MDS based on the "STATIS" optimization procedure. |
implements three way metric multidimensional scaling: DISTATIS and COVSTATIS. |
DistatisR |
implements three way metric multidimensional scaling: DISTATIS and COVSTATIS. |
GetCmat |
GetCmat |
GetRectCmat |
GetRectCmat |
GraphDistatisAll |
This function combines the functionality of 'GraphDistatisCompromise', 'GraphDistatisPartial', 'GraphDistatisBoot', and 'GraphDistatisRv'. |
GraphDistatisBoot |
'GraphDistatisBoot' Plot maps of the factor scores of the observations and their bootstrapped confidence intervals (as confidence ellipsoids or peeled hulls) for a DISTATIS analysis. |
GraphDistatisCompromise |
Plot maps of the factor scores of the observations for a DISTATIS analysis |
GraphDistatisPartial |
Plot maps of the factor scores and partial factor scores of the observations for a DISTATIS analysis. |
GraphDistatisRv |
Plot maps of the factor scores (from the Rv matrix) of the distance matrices for a DISTATIS analysis |
list2CubeOfCovDis |
compute a cube of covariance and a cube of distance between the items (rows) of a matrix of measurements comprising K different blocks of possibly different number of variables. |
MFAnormCP |
MFAnormCP |
mmds |
Metric (classical) Multidimensional Scaling (a.k.a Principal Coordinate Analysis) of a (squared Euclidean) Distance Matrix. |
multiculturalSortingSpices |
62 assessors from 5 countries sort 16 spice samples |
NuclearNormedCP |
NuclearNormedCP |
OrangeJuiceSortingRawData |
'OrangeJuiceSortingRawData': an example of an excel file with Sorting data and vocabulary. This excel file can be read by 'read.df.excel'. |
projectVoc |
Compute barycentric projections for count-like description of the items of a 'distatis'-type of analysis. |
projMap2Cube |
\ reshape a data matrix from projective mapping into a brick of data for a 'distatis' analysis. |
read.df.excel |
'read.df.excel' reads 'distatis' formated ranking or sorting data from an excel file. |
rv |
Function to compute the RV coefficient between to conformable matrices |
scale1 |
A variation over the base 'R' scale function that avoids the "divide by 0 = NA" problem. |
Sort |
Ten Assessors sorted eight beers for 'distatis' analysis |
SortingBeer |
Ten Assessors sorted eight beers for 'distatis' analysis |
SortingSpice |
21 French assessors sorted 16 blends of Spice for 'distatis' analysis |
sortingWines |
Novices and wines experts sort red, rosé, and white wines |
SortSpice |
21 French assessors sorted 16 blends of Spice for 'distatis' analysis |
supplementalProjection4distatis |
Supplementary element(s) projection in DISTATIS |
vocabulary2CT |
Transforms a data.frame of products by vocabulary of assessors into a products by words (from vocabulary) contingency table. |
WinesRankingRawData |
'WinesRankingRawData': an example of an excel file with (simulated) ranking data. Can be read with the function 'read.df.excel()'. |