DiSTATIS Three Way Metric Multidimensional Scaling

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Documentation for package ‘DistatisR’ version 1.1.1

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DistatisR-package implements three way metric multidimensional scaling: DISTATIS and COVSTATIS.
amariSorting 25 assessors twice sort and describe 12 amaris (i.e., bitter)
beersBlindSorting Novices and Experts sorted 3 types of beers from 3 different brewers without and without seeing the beers.
BeersFlashProfile An example of an excel file storing the Flash Profile of 6 (fictitious) assessors evaluating 7 (imaginary) beers. This excel file can be read by 'read.df.excel'.
BeersProjectiveMapping 7 (fictitious) assessors sort and verbally describe 7 Beers using _Projective Mapping_.
BeersProjectiveMapping_xlsx An example of an excel file with Projective Mapping data and vocabulary. This excel file can be read by 'read.df.excel'.
BeersProjectiveNapping 7 (fictitious) assessors sort and verbally describe 7 Beers using _Projective Mapping_.
BeersProjectiveNapping_xlsx An example of an excel file with Projective Mapping data and vocabulary. This excel file can be read by 'read.df.excel'.
BootFactorScores Computes observation factor scores Bootstrap replicates from partial factor scores.
BootFromCompromise 'BootFromCompromise': Computes Bootstrap replicates of the (observation) factor scores by creating bootstrapped compromises.
Chi2Dist Computes the chi2 distance between the rows of a rectangular matrix (with positive elements).
Chi2DistanceFromSort 'Chi2DistanceFromSort': Creates a 3-dimensional chi2 distance array from the results of a sorting task.
computePartial4Groups Computes group alphas and group factor scores for K groups of observations in 'distatis'.
ComputeSplus ComputeSplus
CovSTATIS 3-Way MDS based on the "STATIS" optimization procedure.
covstatis 3-Way MDS based on the "STATIS" optimization procedure.
CP2MFAnormedCP CP2MFAnormedCP
CP2NuclearNormedCP CP2NuclearNormedCP
createCubeOfCovDis compute a cube of covariance and a cube of distance between the items (rows) of a brick of measurements (when all blocks have the same number of variables).
DblCenterDist Double Center a distance matrix
Dist2CP Dist2CP
DistAlgo Four computer algorithms evaluate the similarity of six faces for distatis analysis
DistanceFromRank 'DistanceFromRank': Creates a 3-dimensional distance array from the results of a ranking task.
DistanceFromSort Creates a 3-dimensional distance array from the results of a sorting task.
DiSTATIS 3-Way MDS based on the "STATIS" optimization procedure.
distatis 3-Way MDS based on the "STATIS" optimization procedure.
DiSTATISR implements three way metric multidimensional scaling: DISTATIS and COVSTATIS.
DistatisR implements three way metric multidimensional scaling: DISTATIS and COVSTATIS.
GetCmat GetCmat
GetRectCmat GetRectCmat
GraphDistatisAll This function combines the functionality of 'GraphDistatisCompromise', 'GraphDistatisPartial', 'GraphDistatisBoot', and 'GraphDistatisRv'.
GraphDistatisBoot 'GraphDistatisBoot' Plot maps of the factor scores of the observations and their bootstrapped confidence intervals (as confidence ellipsoids or peeled hulls) for a DISTATIS analysis.
GraphDistatisCompromise Plot maps of the factor scores of the observations for a DISTATIS analysis
GraphDistatisPartial Plot maps of the factor scores and partial factor scores of the observations for a DISTATIS analysis.
GraphDistatisRv Plot maps of the factor scores (from the Rv matrix) of the distance matrices for a DISTATIS analysis
list2CubeOfCovDis compute a cube of covariance and a cube of distance between the items (rows) of a matrix of measurements comprising K different blocks of possibly different number of variables.
mmds Metric (classical) Multidimensional Scaling (a.k.a Principal Coordinate Analysis) of a (squared Euclidean) Distance Matrix.
multiculturalSortingSpices 62 assessors from 5 countries sort 16 spice samples
NuclearNormedCP NuclearNormedCP
OrangeJuiceSortingRawData 'OrangeJuiceSortingRawData': an example of an excel file with Sorting data and vocabulary. This excel file can be read by 'read.df.excel'.
projectVoc Compute barycentric projections for count-like description of the items of a 'distatis'-type of analysis.
projMap2Cube \ reshape a data matrix from projective mapping into a brick of data for a 'distatis' analysis.
read.df.excel 'read.df.excel' reads 'distatis' formated ranking or sorting data from an excel file.
rv Function to compute the RV coefficient between to conformable matrices
scale1 A variation over the base 'R' scale function that avoids the "divide by 0 = NA" problem.
Sort Ten Assessors sorted eight beers for 'distatis' analysis
SortingBeer Ten Assessors sorted eight beers for 'distatis' analysis
SortingSpice 21 French assessors sorted 16 blends of Spice for 'distatis' analysis
sortingWines Novices and wines experts sort red, rosé, and white wines
SortSpice 21 French assessors sorted 16 blends of Spice for 'distatis' analysis
supplementalProjection4distatis Supplementary element(s) projection in DISTATIS
vocabulary2CT Transforms a data.frame of products by vocabulary of assessors into a products by words (from vocabulary) contingency table.
WinesRankingRawData 'WinesRankingRawData': an example of an excel file with (simulated) ranking data. Can be read with the function 'read.df.excel()'.