Distance-package | Distance sampling |
add_df_covar_line | Add covariate levels detection function plots |
AIC.dsmodel | Akaike's An Information Criterion for detection functions |
amakihi | Hawaiian amakihi point transect data |
amakihi_units | Hawaiian amakihi point transect data |
bootdht | Bootstrap uncertainty estimation for distance sampling models |
bootdht_Dhat_summarize | Simple summary of density results for bootstrap model |
bootdht_Nhat_summarize | Simple summary of abundance results for bootstrap model |
capercaillie | Capercaillie in Monaughty Forest |
capercaillie_units | Capercaillie in Monaughty Forest |
checkdata | Check that the data supplied to 'ds' is correct |
chi2_select | Tools for model selection when distance sampling data are overdispersed |
ClusterExercise | Simulated minke whale data with cluster size |
ClusterExercise_units | Simulated minke whale data with cluster size |
convert_units | Convert units for abundance estimation |
create.bins | Create bins from a set of binned distances and a set of cutpoints. |
create_bins | Create bins from a set of binned distances and a set of cutpoints. |
CueCountingExample | Cue counts of whale blows |
CueCountingExample_units | Cue counts of whale blows |
dht2 | Abundance estimation for distance sampling models |
Distance | Distance sampling |
ds | Fit detection functions and calculate abundance from line or point transect data |
ds.gof | Goodness of fit tests for distance sampling models |
ducknest | Ducknest line transect survey data |
ducknests_units | Ducknest line transect survey data |
ducknest_units | Ducknest line transect survey data |
DuikerCameraTraps | Duiker camera trap survey |
DuikerCameraTraps_units | Duiker camera trap survey |
dummy_ddf | Detection function objects when detection is certain |
ETP_Dolphin | Eastern Tropical Pacific spotted dolphin survey |
ETP_Dolphin_units | Eastern Tropical Pacific spotted dolphin survey |
flatfile | The flatfile data format |
gof_ds | Goodness of fit testing and quantile-quantile plots |
golftees | Golf tee data |
golftees_units | Golf tee data |
logLik.dsmodel | log-likelihood value for a fitted detection function |
LTExercise | Simulated line transect survey data |
LTExercise_units | Simulated line transect survey data |
make_activity_fn | Multiplier bootstrap helper functions |
minke | Simulated minke whale data |
plot.dsmodel | Plot a fitted detection function |
predict.dsmodel | Predictions from a fitted detection function |
predict.fake_ddf | Prediction for fake detection functions |
print.dht_result | Print abundance estimates |
print.dsmodel | Simple pretty printer for distance sampling analyses |
print.summary.dsmodel | Print summary of distance detection function model object |
PTExercise | Simulated point transect survey data |
PTExercise_units | Simulated point transect survey data |
p_dist_table | Distribution of probabilities of detection |
QAIC | Tools for model selection when distance sampling data are overdispersed |
Savannah_sparrow_1980 | Savanna sparrow point transects |
Savannah_sparrow_1980_units | Savanna sparrow point transects |
Savannah_sparrow_1981 | Savanna sparrow point transects |
Savannah_sparrow_1981_units | Savanna sparrow point transects |
sikadeer | Sika deer pellet data from southern Scotland |
sikadeer_units | Sika deer pellet data from southern Scotland |
Stratify_example | Simulated minke whale data |
Stratify_example_units | Simulated minke whale data |
summarize_ds_models | Make a table of summary statistics for detection function models |
summary.dht_bootstrap | Summarize bootstrap abundance uncertainty estimate output |
summary.dsmodel | Summary of distance sampling analysis |
Systematic_variance_1 | Simulation of encounter rate variance |
Systematic_variance_1_units | Simulation of encounter rate variance |
Systematic_variance_2 | Simulation of encounter rate variance |
Systematic_variance_2_units | Simulation of encounter rate variance |
unflatten | Unflatten flatfile data.frames |
unimak | Simulated line transect survey data with covariates |
unimak_units | Simulated line transect survey data with covariates |
units_table | Generate table of unit conversions |
wren | Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys |
wren_5min | Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys |
wren_5min_units | Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys |
wren_cuecount | Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys |
wren_cuecount_units | Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys |
wren_lt | Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys |
wren_lt_units | Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys |
wren_snapshot | Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys |
wren_snapshot_units | Steve Buckland's winter wren surveys |